Every year, on the family Christmas wish list, I include “gift of experience” (gift cards for restaurants, activities, getaways, entertainment). Sometimes the best gifts are the gifts which you live – they are always the right size, colour, and category! Here are some awesome ideas on this subject from TravelZoo… The Benefits Of TravelZoo Gift…
Holiday Gift Guide
Easy Holiday Shopping Tips
You guys know…I am a big supporter of online shopping. Why trek to a mall, circle a parking lot for that one available spot (usually too tight for my minivan), hop scotch through the crowds (eww, I hate crowds), get to the cashier line up just in time for a meltdown (the kids or my…
House Guest Hosting Tips
Holidays are coming. Which, generally means, house guests will be coming too. Being one who has been the house guest as well as the house-guest-hostess…I have some Hosting House Guest Tips which might make life a little easier… House Guest Hosting Tips Make the house guest space inviting – whether it be in your basement,…
Slate 7 Tablet
Sleek. Stylish. Efficient. Priced right. This HP Slate 7 Tablet Review is not just for techies. It’s for busy families who are looking for a tablet which can help organize, entertain, browse, read, listen, learn, and more on one family-friendly device. Readers meet the HP Slate 7 Tablet… Let’s begin with price. As of…