Back-to-school makes me re-think what we are eating. Yes, we indulge in the summer – but back-to-school means back to healthy eating chez moi. Which is why I’m excited to share my Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Juice Extractor Review because …well…fresh pressed juice?! Yum! And healthy. And really easier than you think… About the Hamilton…
Orange Muffins
This might – quite possibly – be the best muffin recipe I ever created. Yes. It. Is. THAT. Good. Call them gâteau à l’orange or Orange Muffins (we use both depending on which anglophone/francophone is speaking). Moist, flavourful, and easy – you will want to make these Orange Muffins with your kids… Aside: make your own natural air freshener…
Berry Burst Coffee Cake Recipe
I invented this Berry Burst Coffee Cake Recipe the other day using some berries I had in the freezer. It was such a HIT! I’m sharing this recipe and recommend it not only as a coffee cake suggestion – but a healthy breakfast idea! Give this Berry Burst Coffee Cake Recipe a try… You will remember…
Dempster’s Healthy Ways Bread
As a Mom who tries to offer the best nutritional choices for her kids (it’s doesn’t always happen – sometimes you have to indulge in an ice cream cone right?!) thus I am always on the look out for new ways to switch up their regular foods. Introducing Dempster’s Healthy Ways Bread – it’s a new…
Healthy Muffins Chocolate Blueberry Qi’a
Teaser: the following healthy muffin recipe is fantastic. And easy. Check out my recipe for Healthy Muffins Chocolate Blueberry Qi’a (and new breakfast favourite here!). Introducing Nature’s Path Qi’a Superfood – it’s a new and a must-buy to add to breakfast, baking, and smoothies… What is Qi’a? Qi’a (pronounced Kee-ah) is our NEW Superfood Cereal made with Chia,…
Steak, tomato, and lettuce wrap
Too hot to cook and too much fun to want to leave the back yard to spend even an hour in the kitchen..I had an idea to bbq dinner with a twist…this Steak, tomato, and lettuce wrap. It was easy, healthy, and oh so yum! They are so good…you will want to eat at least two! Oh…
Breakfast Wrap Ideas
Some mornings breakfast wraps just make life easier. Grab-n-go, we are late, I’m hungry, weekday morning solution! One of my daughters actually has a wrap practically every morning (her choice). This is the post where I share my easy Breakfast Wrap Ideas… Breakfast Wrap Ideas The #1 pick chez moi is our chocolate hazelnut breakfast wrap…
Life’s Little Messes
Some of Life’s Little Messes become the best childhood memories. Like art activities. Baking together. Birthday parties. We made a whole LOT of messes when creating the kid activities for my book Boredom Busters but you know what? It was time well spent. Life’s Little Messes are learning moments for kids (and parents alike)… Today’s activity…
Fruit Eating Game
This is a fun Fruit Eating Game I created with the kids over the holidays. My daughter actually said “Mommy, Papa has ‘fun parent’ competition today!” – I think that was meant as a compliment Anyway, this fruit eating game was a big hit with the kids (and it got them eating fruit with…
Amazing Gifts for Valentine’s Day
Gifts which keep on giving are my personal favourite when it comes to giving (and receiving!). I want to share with you some Amazing Gifts for Valentine’s Day (all from – Canada’s #1 gourmet gifts of the month). Amazing Gifts For Valentine’s Day Tea Club Candle Club Chocolate Club Wine Club Necktie Club Beer Club…
Granola Breakfast Muffins
Some days just call for a grab-n-go breakfast. These Granola Breakfast Muffins were super easy to make, jammed packed with healthy goodness, and really quite yummy to eat with one hand. TIP: I use an ice cream scooper to scoop cake and muffin batter from mixing bowl into pans. Not only are these granola breakfast…
10 Emergency Items
Ice storms. Polar Vortex. Snow Days. -40C weather. This seems to be the winter of extreme weather. Having just gone through the Toronto ice storm (we lost power – including heat – for 32 hours…lucky compared to those who were without power for days!)…I am sharing the 10 Emergency Items we found essential for survival…