Here is a quick list of Active and Quiet Boredom Buster Activities for Kids. Whether it be school break, an afternoon or a weekend where you need activities for kids this is a solid boredom busters list!
Shameless Recommendation
Obviously, reading is one of my favourite boredom busters for kids. It is a great activity for kids! It allows them to travel the world right from their own couch. And if you are interested in a few reading recommendations…why not check out one of my books! Available wherever you purchase or borrow books.
Active and Quiet Boredom Buster Activities for Kids
Now on to the good stuff. There is a balance in everything. And one needs active activities for kids to keep them busy. And one also needs quiet activities to entertain them (when you need a break!).
I find active boredom busters are a great way to start the day. Then, lead into the quieter activities in the late afternoon (as you build up to making dinner and winding down the day).
Active activity ideas for kids
- Hiking
- biking
- Tennis
- trampoline
- basketball
- soccer
- swimming
- scooter
- hide and seek
- race
- track and field
- obstacle course
I’ll put video games down as a bonus “active activity” because of the moving around and yelling my son does when he plays Fortnite. It’s crazy.
Quiet activities for kids
- Reading
- Drawing
- Board games
- Lego
- Play dough
- Movie/TV
You might also like some craft ideas which are more quiet activities for kids. HOW TO MAKE A STRESS BALL and DOLLAR STORE WATERCOLOR CRAFT FOR KIDS and easy and low-energy.

Sometimes when you have a longer break and need to fill the family time it’s helpful to plan our your days. For example: EASY SUMMER ACTIVITY CALENDAR.
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