New parent? Experienced parent? How do you pack a diaper bag? Basic baby essentials are the foundations for any diaper bag packing – whether just planning an afternoon out with baby, a day trip in the city or a family vacation. As a Mom to three kids, I have packed many a diaper bag…these are my must-haves for my diaper bag.
Shameless recommendations on what to pack in a diaper bag…
- Fisher-Price FastFinder Diaper Bag {Sporty Backpack}. I use this every. single. day. LOVE it. It keeps my hands free so I can do other things…like hold my baby.
- Tilley Endurables kids’ sun hat. My friend handed-down our kids’ sunhat and I love that it is reversible. Also great sun coverage.
- Diapers (pictured Huggies). I keep three diapers in our diaper bag (for the next change, the explosive surprise change and a spare)
- Wipes (pictured Kirkland). Not only for diaper changes but use to wipe hands & face after snack and also to wipe stroller down.
- PJs (pictured Snugabye). Pjs are packable, comfortable and easy change of clothes.
- Toys (pictured Fisher-Price Little People Cars). Small, lightweight toys can save your sanity when you are out with baby.
- Kleenx. Because “achoos” happen.
- Drink (pictured Thermos Funtainer). A drink for baby is essential – I like that this flip-straw container keeps drinks cold for up to 12 hrs.
- Snacks (pictured graham crackers). Baby friendly snacks in a reusable container is a must for munching…for both Mom and baby!
Awesome list! I am going to share this with my sister who is a new mom.
great list! I skipped alot of this stuff when I was a firsttime parent.
Very good list
Great list for us grandma’s too! Thanks