Ready for some awesome March Break Ideas and Spring Break Activities for Kids? *raises hand*.

- A Scavenger Hunt is an easy (and FREE) indoor or outdoor activity. And you can customize it to the age and space you have available. I have a FREE Scavenger Hunt pdf all ready for you to print from your home printer.
- Doing kid-appropriate science experiments isn’t really all that hard. My Boredom Busters books has a whole section on science activities. Borrow it from your local public library or buy it (Amazon, Indigo, pretty much anywhere books are sold). Think: make slime, DIY lava, crystals, and more.
- Sports day works for boys and girls. Soccer. Baseball. Ninja warrior course. Get kids active (and tired!).
- Arts n’ crafts anyone? I happen to LOVE arts n’ crafts with kids so I have curated a crafts section here on Parent Club for craft lovers like me.
- Pirate day. Talk like a pirate. Eat like a pirate. Walk like a pirate. And repeat.
- Movie day. Think beyond Netfilx. Make movie-ish food. Roll play movie characters. Karoke to movie soundtracks. Make your own movie.
- Build something day. Lego. Living room fort. Cookie tower.
- PJ day. Stay in pjs all day.
- Book day. Read one (I recommend Stop Reading This Book). Write one. Draw one. Colour one. Write a letter to an author.
- Olympics day. Go out and try one (or four) of your favourite Olympic sports. Google why there are 5 Olympic rings. Research why their are 5 Olympic colours on the rings…
- DIY day. I have a whole Pinterest board on DIY/Craft ideas. Make a bookshelf out of crates. Upcycle a tin can. Make a popscicle stick box.
- Food day. Here’s an idea: try to eat backwards (dinner, lunch, and then breakfast). Have lunch in alphabetical order. Eat by colour.
- Backwards day. Kind of like backwards food day. Start your day like you finish it. Put your clothes on backwards. Walk backwards. Or backwards family (kids are the parents and parents are the kids).
- Travel day. Go someplace or PRETEND to go someplace. Paris in the living room anyone?…
- Rainbow day. Eat a rainbow. Draw a rainbow.
Great ideas!
Thanks for the tips! Keep up the good work!