Ah, the first steps. The first word. The first bee sting?! OK, not a very nice first — but yesterday we experienced the first bee sting of life. Well, we now know – with certainty – Thing 2 does not have an Anaphylactic shock reaction to bee stings. Panic attack reaction – yes. HUGE panic…
environmentally friendly
Lice and Olive Oil – Who Knew?…
Update on the lice; 3 tea tree oil treatments and Thing 1 and Thing 2 are lice free (crossed fingers as I type). Still a couple of nits last night so we’ll keep at it. Two Parent Club readers “shared” a lice treatment tip; covering wet hair with olive oil – then put up in…
The Mini Chair – Mega Fun
Found this interesting Canadian Made Kid product in the latest yummymummyclub.com newsletter. The Mini Chair Kit by Elia Fun. This is activity will appeal to toddlers, children and/or tweens as an independent project or family fun. The chair blends functionality with fun. Scribble, paint, colour or decoupage; hours, if not days, of fun can be…
BPA Free
Thanks for the comments regarding the FREE avent sippy cups and BPA. Absolutely, research what you buy (or get for free). Read the Parent Club post which tells you about BPA and where to buy BPA-Free gear HERE. On this vien of thought…a reader has shared that Zellers and toysrus is taking; bottles pumps, soothers,…
Parent Club: Internet
This is an interesting link; good for challenging your mind during babies nap time. http://www.freerice.com/index.php It is basically a vocabulary knowledge game. However, for each word you get right the site owners donate 20 grains of rice to the UN World Food Program. www.parentclub.ca
EARTH DAY – ECOkid websites
Here are some good websites for getting to know more about the Earth, science and nature. Click on the link to go directly to the respective site. All sites are Canadian. Know MagEcoKidsOwl Kids Colouring pages of animals and nature;Hugot l’escargot www.parentclub.ca
Cleaning tip
Having trouble getting to the corners of the rubbermaid reusable box, sippy cup or bottle?… Here’s a neat tip. Sprinkle in some uncooked rice and add a bit of water. The rice will work as an abrasive and will easily get into those corners. Great for cleaning empty jam jars too. www.parentclub.ca
Vinegar tip
Does you child’s room smell a bit off in the morning? Pour white vinegar into a spray bottle and spritz the room. The vinegar removes odours beautifully. It’s environmentally friendly too. The vinegar smell disappears quickly leaving the room odourless. www.parentclub.ca
Cleaner Veggies Healthier Bodies
Paranoid? Perhaps? But do you know who has touched your zucchini? Sprinkle a dash of baking soda on a clean sponge or cloth and wipe and rinse your fruits and veggies. It’s a gentle, thorough, safe food cleaner. This tip came from the Parent Club interview with Arm & Hammer. www.parentclub.ca
Solutions for Diaper Rash
If your baby/child presents with a diaper rash/skin irritation here is a simple solution. Mix ½ cup of oatmeal in the child’s bathwater. Do not add soap, bubble bath or bath oil. The oatmeal will soothe the itch and relieve the irritation. This chemical free solution is something that is already in your pantry. It…
Arm & Hammer – Baking Soda tips
Baking soda is a fabulous – readily available – product. As promised, here are some ideas on using baking soda the home. For even more ideas please surf over to the Arm & Hammer website (Canadian Arm & Hammer website, U.S. Arm & Hammer website). These tips are courtesy of Arm & Hammer and Julia…
Arm & Hammer – How kid friendly!
Parent Club would like to thank Arm & Hammer and Julia Liska, registered nurse and program advisor at Humber’s Personal Support Worker program, for informing us of the benefits of using baking soda as an environmentally friendly household cleaner. We were invited to interview Julia and get the dirt on cleaning. Why should parents take…