This Weekly Chore Chart For Kids will help inform your children their jobs for the week. Chores for kids is beneficial because it teaches them life skills. Plus, it creates community in the home because everyone has to pitch in.

Weekly Chore Chart For Kids
What should you include in your chore chart?
- Making the bed
- Put dirty clothes in hamper
- Tidy room
- Help set the table
- Tidy dishes
- Wipe up crumbs
- Arrange coat/shoes
- Take out lunch bag
Of course, chores are all age-appropriate so this is a guideline. Younger kids can line up shoes. Older kids can empty the dishwasher. But everyone can do something to help around the home.
More Chore Ideas for Kids
- Take out the trash
- Sort the recycling
- Fill the dishwasher
- Empty the dishwasher
- Sort the laundry
- Do the laundry
- Fold the laundry
- Put clean laundry away
- Do the dishes in the sink
- Mow the lawn
- Shovel the snow
- Tidy up the kids’ bookshelf
- Fold towels
- Help prepare meals
- Pack their own lunch
- Help put groceries away
- Feed the pet

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Yes, a weekly chore chart will come in handy for the kids. This is great
I think having children be a part of the household ‘running’ is so important. Love this.
“Empowering Young Helpers: The Weekly Chore Chart for Kids” is a practical guide. This resource assists parents in instilling responsibility and routine in children through age-appropriate tasks. A valuable tool to foster life skills and teamwork while promoting a structured and organized household dynamic.