Finding Balance, whether it be in work or family life, can be a challenge. Things get overwhelmed very quickly. From organization tips to prioritization tips here is some help for finding balance in your life…
Finding Balance – Organize
A scattered brain, desk space, calendar, routine is NOT the way to find balance. This is not just for you but for your family as well.
Organize your brain
- Make to-do lists
- Use a calendar
- Put reminders in your phone
- Make a daily schedule
- Use a white board, black board, or family calendar to keep track of family activities or to-dos
- Take a moment during the day to unwind and recharge your brain (listening to music helps me)
Organize your space
- Clear the clutter
- Have a dedicated spot for most things
- Use a bulletin board to keep track of forms, schedules, etc.
Organize your life
- Incorporate lists, schedules, routines into your work and daily life in a purposeful manner
- Think ahead!
- Plan for PD days, school breaks, meals, extracurricular activities (use those lists!)
- Take the first hour of your “work day” to attend to emails. Take action. Respond. Then work on projects.
- Take the last hour of your “work day” to check emails. Note what takes priority for tomorrow.
- Use tools like online accounting, project management, sticky-notes and the like to make your work-life easier.
- Invite partner, spouse, family to also use family calendar to ensure everyone is on the same page about family schedule.
- Create a grocery list (on line or on paper) which you can add to as you run out of items.
- Invite family to add to a meal plan so that you can take the guesswork out of meals.
Organization is great but prioritization goes hand in hand with having balance in your life. You need to know what’s important and what can wait.
What is priority?
- Health. So book those doctor visits, get those shots, follow-up on the results.
- Food. You need healthy food choices to fuel life.
- Shelter. Because you have to live somewhere.
How to plan all the other priorities?
So in life, we need to be fluid. Roll with it. But sometimes things can be majorly important vs other things that can be pushed back.
Important project at work Vs dusting = chose the important project
Doing the laundry Vs watching a movie = do the laundry
Making dinner Vs finishing emails = (this is tricky…you can finish emails and order pizza which takes care of both. Or if emails aren’t pressing…turn off computer and put on the pasta. OR type emails while you boil the pasta water).
With the last example — really it’s personal choice what is priority and what is not. i.e. it’s up to you to decide what is important.
And sometimes work takes priority (that’s when you order the pizza). And sometimes life is more important than emails (when work is slow and quiet I am the first to disconnect to spend time with family).
If you often feel worried about finding balance you might want to read: WHEN YOU FEEL WORRIED
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