10 Distanced birthday ideas during the pandemic via www.parentclub.ca. From virtual birthday parties to car parades to porch deliveries here are 10 ways to celebrate distanced birthday parties.

Why can’t I have a “normal” birthday party?!
OK so we can’t host in-person birthday parties. What’s a Mom to do?! Excactly the question I’ve been tip-toeing around. You see, my son is kinda wanting the traditional birthday party experience. Because he’s a kid and in his mind…a birthday party is a birthday party. It’s really hard to try to explain how we have to distance birthday parties in order to keep everyone safe.
Because we do need to stay apart together.
Everyone has to be on-board. I don’t want to be a host who creates a super-spreader event because of a party or in a play-place. Even if play-places were open to parties…which they aren’t here in Toronto. So here are some of distanced birthday party ideas I’ve brainstormed.
10 Distanced birthday ideas during the pandemic
- Zoom chat/virtual hangout – pick a date/time, send the invites by email, and have everyone log-on (from their respective homes). Voila, you have a virtual birthday party. If your guests live close enough — you could drop off cookies or cupcakes and separate icing. Then, have everyone decorate dessert together. Or you could have a magician or clown come in to the zoom/google hangout for 20 minutes for entertainment. Don’t forget to sing Happy Birthday!
- Stream a movie together – you could have a family movie night where the birthday person chooses the movie. Or you could have a streaming party. (there’s a way to add chats to your movie watching online. So your “party” can chat while they watch the movie).
- Treasure hunt/scavenger hunt – instead of a party you can create a special treasure hunt or scavenger hunt. Especially for your birthday person. Maybe their present is the treasure?!
- Living room camp out – push the couches and move the coffee table. Pitch a tent or build a birthday blanket fort. It switches up the day from a “regular day”. And can be the best spot for movie watching, board games, karoke…just family.
- Ask for cards to be mailed – this is kinda brilliant. Ask friends, family and neighbours to mail a birthday card to your house. Especially great for kids who love mail and opening things. Also, fun for milestone birthdays like 50!
- Ask for videos to be sent — ask friends and family to email video messages to the birthday person. It’s a great way to make them feel appreciated on their special day. When they are far from those whom they would normally invite to a party.
- Car parade – great for kids! Pick a day/time. And have everyone come along in front of your house. And beep their horns and wave out the windows to the birthday boy or girl.
- Lawn messages – embarrassing but thrilling at the same time. Get a sign company to drop off a HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign. Or put 25 flamingos on the lawn. Or tie 50 balloons to a tree.
- Celebrity messages – I didn’t know this was a thing until I researched this post. You can get customized video messages from celebrities via cameo.com/ (not sponsored and I’ve never tried this service myself).
- Window visits – Set out a chair outside your front door or window and invite friends to come and have a window visit. You can use mobile phones to chat. If it’s cold (like it can be here in Canada) tell your guests to dress appropriately and bring a blanket.

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