These Best “What am I?” Riddles for Kids are a great activity for kids. You can ask them at dinner. Quiz in the car. Ask them to riddle you. “What am I” Riddles help build thinking skills, literacy, and problem solving.

Best What am I Riddles
I am not alive, but I grow. I don’t have lungs, but I need air. I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I? FIRE
When I point up it’s bright, but when I point down it’s dark. What am I? A LIGHT SWITCH
I am white when I am dirty, and black when I am clean. What am I? A BLACKBOARD
I am essential to life, yet I can take your breath away. I am both in you and around you. What am I? WATER
This is as light as a feather, yet no one can hold it for long. What am I? BREATH
The more you take away, the more I become. What am I? A HOLE
I have two hands, but I cannot scratch myself. What am I? A CLOCK
I’m found within cars, But never in buses. I’m not used in Mexico, I’m used in Canada. What am I? THE LETTER “a”
I have four legs and one back, yet I can’t walk. What am I? A CHAIR
I am useless when together but useful when I am broken apart. What am I? AN EGG
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