As being part of the #NikonMOMents program this year – I had the opportunity to photograph some of our best milestones and celebrations with my Nikon D3300 camera. Of the pictures…I think these Graduation Photos are some of my favourite because they capture a moment of childhood which is so fleeting…
One of my favourite features of the Nikon is the aperture setting (I learned about it in my photo tips class with Nikon). The aperture setting is a great way to focus on one thing (like the grad cap above) and making everything else a little blurry. Really, it’s one of my favourite camera settings – and I love that it is built in to my Nikon – so I don’t have to manually adjust anything.
How to Make a Graduation Cap for a Child – craft idea…
This graduation cap is an easy pre-school or kindergarten kid activity – simple take to firm pieces of black cardboard. Cut one into a diamond shape (or you could cut it square – same difference). Measure the second piece around your child’s head – cut that strip. Then glue or tape together.
Graduation Photos
The grad cap fit perfectly. And he was a special kind of proud. It made my heart squee with joy (if a heart could squee). And again, I used the aperture setting to focus on the little graduate and blur out the background. Despite being an amateur – I think it delivers a pretty professional picture – print worthy even!
Sometimes the simple auto setting on the Nikon is enough to capture the moments. It’s just clear and crisp.
I can’t imagine not having my Nikon camera to capture the milestones…our Pictures From France #NikonMOMents, Chicago #NikonMOMents, Christmas and Birthday Pictures #NikonMOMents, March Break Activities – #NikonMOMents.
All of my kids are growing so quickly…I love being able to capture their special moments!
Disclosure: I am part of the Mom Central Canada Nikon MOMents team and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
He is so cute sitting there with his hat
Print worthy n’est past?…
Awe another milestone passing by! They grow too quick!