This easy DIY kid craft just uses four things: coloured construction paper, masking tape, scissors and string. Four things, most of us already have in the house! Make a bunch and do them as a Family Day activity (also works great for Father’s Day). Great kid craft for toddlers, pre-schoolers, and big kids alike.
- Construction paper
- Masking tape
- String
- Scissors
- Free-hand cut a tie shape (pretty much an hour-glass with a triangle at the bottom).
- Cut shapes using scrap construction paper (triangles, squares, circles)
- Fix the shapes to the tie using masking tape
- Cut a length of string (not too long and not too short – it’s only decoration).
- Fix string to back of tie using masking tape.
You’re totally right — perfect for father’s day!
so clever and it will keep the kids occupied
Very cute!
Looks like a fun craft!
I love these ties!