“Mom can I have a cell phone?” I hear this often now that it is back-to-school time. My fear about giving my 12 year-old a mobile phone is the added-value cost to our family budget. What if she sends numerous texts, pictures and/or downloads expensive apps above her monthly wireless plan? While looking into the best budget-friendly wireless options for her (and our family), I have decided I also need to look into how to teach my child how to use a wireless phone responsibly.
We need to talk…
- Responsibility. A mobile phone for a tween/teen is not a right but a responsibility. It should not be lost, loaned or lacerated if at all possible (read: you need to take care of your phone).
- Wireless Phone Use. We need to discuss when you should use your phone and when you should not use your phone (SHOULD: if you are going to be late for dinner. SHOULD NOT: during school!).
- Wireless Plan. We will discuss the student needs of talking, texting and data plans. Expect a vocabulary lesson in: “roaming”, “monthly plans”, and “usage” (remember when I e-mailed Papa that picture, when we were at the cottage, and it cost me $50 because I went over my data plan? We don’t want that happening again, right?)
- Downloading apps. We will discuss the cost, need and use of apps (yes, downloading an app on your mobile phone is an easy click but it can be an expensive surprise when the phone bill arrives).
Education is key to teaching how to responsibly use a wireless phone – for yourself and your kids.
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I need these tips – ha!
Glad they could help.
Teaching responsibility regarding cell phone use is paramount amongst teens/tweens, especially in this day in age. Thanks for the tips!
The real question is: is there a real need for a cell phone at that age?
Need vs. Want..
Absolutely true. 12 does seem young, in my opinion, for a cell phone. There is no need now…but good to discuss for later.
With a 13 year old girl in my house I am always watching for great deals! Thanks for the tip!
Great tips!
Great tips thanks!