Building blocks to develop physical skills? A kid’s book for cognitive development? A stuffed animal for social & emotional development? Chosing a toy to gift or give a child can take on so many levels. For me, it comes down to Like and Price (Will he like it? and Do I like the price?). How do you know what toys to buy? For me, choosing a toy has two factors: it should be a fun toy and it should be easy for me to buy.
How do you determine what toys to purchase for your child?
Honestly, for me it’s all impulse (mainly because I’m usually internet shopping during nap time because my son is at that crazy-running-everywhere-screaming-toddler-age where I have said…rather strongly…I will NEVER shop with him in store until he’s 5).
If the toy attracts the kid in me (read: does it look like fun?) – I’m more likely to buy it. I like to check out the sales too because if a toy is on sale – I’m more likely to buy it. If it will be delivered to my door – I’m more likely to buy it also. And bonus points if the toy hits any of the development markers in the above chart.
What resources do you use to help in your decisions?
Word-of-mouth and recommendations are big helpers for me to decide what toy to buy. I also try to do the same for others.
I have recommended to more than one friend the Topzy Tumblers™ Twirlin’ Tumblin’ Fun Park™ because my son (and every other baby who comes to our house) LOVES it.
Joy of Learning: My son loves to start the music with the roller ball, watch the topzy tumblers roll down the ramps and see them pop up the steps. I have noticed when he plays with this toy that he focuses more, he smiles more, he interacts more with this toy than any other. It’s very cool to see.
Development builders in toys are great ways to help kids grow. Extra help in learning that our kids will never ever realize. From my own childhood, I don’t think about which toy helped me socialize more…I think about the Fisher-Price Hospital (that my Mom still has) which entertained me for hours on end. The toys to buy are the toys which will be loved.
Disclosure: I am a Fisher-Price Play Ambassador and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
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