Name please.
Michael Damian
Your Website?
What’s your specialty? (work-wise – you’re probably pretty special at a lot of things)
I make family films with my wife and partner Janeen. We write and produce together and I direct.
What’s your shameless plug? (books, blogs, bling, etc.)
We have a very special film coming up that has been one of my favorite filmmaking experiences. It’s called “Christmas at Castlebury Hall” and it is realsing on DVD in Canada Nov. 29. Janeen and I are absolutely mad about Christmas. Every year we try to watch a Christmas film a day starting the day after Thanksgiving until Dec 26th. We always seem to run out of movie choices so we decided to write one. We shot it in a beautiful castle in Romania and were so fortunate to get Sir Roger Moore to star in it. He is probably the loveliest man I have had the chance to work with. The film also stars a fantastic Canadian actor, Travis Turner. It is an uplifting story about family and forgiveness. It is quite heartfelt but also has quite a bit of humor as well.
Best thing about your work:
Traveling and meeting so many talented and wonderful people.
Parent or not a parent?
I am not a parent but we do have quite a few nieces and nephews and of course our doggie daughter Bella.
Share a typical Tuesday (really we want to hear how you “do it all”)
Right now I am editing “Flicka 3” so I get up and walk Bella, then have breakfast with Janeen. I am the cappuccino make in the family. We are serious about our coffee in our house. When we were in Kelwona, we discovered the fantastic coffee house, Gio Bean. It’s run by a beautiful couple. The entire cast and crew would go there every morning. So we order our coffee beans from them now. We even bought a special air proof container to store them in per Gio’s vehement instructions 🙂 Then I go to work with the editor from 10-7:30. I come home and eat a home cooked meal (because it’s a school night for me) and since it’s Tuesday we will be watching X Factor.
Do you tweet?
I am a tweeter.
Wallflower or social butterfly?
I have a big family so most of my socializing usually consists of big family dinners. I am also fortunate to have some wonderful freinds. We try to find time to keep up with each other.
It’s recently come to my attention that mastermind stores are now selling real frogs as toys and entertainment in the stores…I can’t express how disappointing this is, not to mention cruel and immoral. Then we can address the fact that Mastermind is supposed to be an educational store. .actually has been one of my favorite Children’s stores, I have shopped in Mastermind a lot over the years and have sung the praises of Mastermind stores and what they have to offer. I have told others about mastermind where they don’t have mastermind stores, eg Ottawa, ON.
If Mastermind is indeed representing education for children…. then there would be no ‘real’ frogs or any other ‘real’ life being sold to whomever, with the same needs as you and I and the children they are purchased for. .food, shelter, safety, gentle handling and love! Come on Mastermind.. don’t lower your image to the common, tacky store of which there are too many.. show them you are better and care about real education and NOT sell ‘real’ life…and let it be known that the reason you don’t is because it’s just plain wrong, and animals big and small are NOT TOYS !
Thank you
Romani / mother and grandmother in Pickering ON