Back story: my old, hand-me down, BlackBerry died in June. Le mort. It had a long and good life (years and years of life actually). And, I’ll be honest, this summer I cheated on RIM with some meaningless, other smart device, flings.
I tried an android (which wouldn’t work with my e-mail thus my summer of late replies). He was sleek but took forever to start up (and who wants to wake up with someone lazy?) #FAIL
I tried an i-phone (which didn’t have an auto off at night – battery was constantly low). He was good but his screen kept turning my “the” into “tge” which drove me insane. #FAIL
And in all my cheating…I kept comparing…and every new device kept coming up short. BlackBerry can you forgive me? I was wrong.
I know all those other devices had big apps (but sometimes a girl doesn’t need big she needs fast, powerful and constant. over. and. over.)
I went astray and in my cheating I realized what I need most. I need auto on/off. I need a keypad. I need vibration*.
*so not to wake the baby! obviously.
I’m ashamed to say I texted around this summer. But I’m back in bed with BlackBerry.
And if you want me to prove it – PIN me – I’ll vibrate – I mean my BlackBerry 7 will vibrate – obviously I meant the BB7 🙂
[…] I shared My Blackberry Back Story I confessed to texting around (i.e. trying out other devices) but home was always […]