As posted, tweeted and promised here is Armpit Fudge. The recipe comes via Loblaws cooking camp – it is so loverly easy and kids (well my kids) like the armpit part just as much as the eating.
Armpit fudge is great for the cottage, camp or birthday parties (birthday party post alert – coming next week)
Armpit Fudge (serves 10)
1/2 package cream cheese (4oz)
2 cups icing sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
2 tbsp butter
ziplock snack bags
Mix cream cheese,cocoa and butter in a large bowl. Add in icing sugar a bit at a time to blend well.
Once mixture is blended spoon (2 tbsp) into individual ziplock bags. Seal tightly.
Then – armpits at the ready – squish the contents of the bag to warm and mix smooth.
You can eat it “as is” or cut a corner of the baggie and let the kids pipe the fudge onto naked cupcakes for decorating.
For a birthday party – make ahead and store in fridge until ready
I’ve never seen ingredients like this for fudge but it sounds interesting and that’s quite the name