I didn’t know about Thomas (hello – Mom of two girls!) until I had my son. And to be honest, I am still learning about Thomas, Percy, Gordon and all the train friends. So when I heard Thomas & Friends have joined the Mattel brand family I took it as everyday news…however my son was all “CHOO CHOO!”-and-Fisher-Price estactic when he saw them in the store today.
So apparently Thomas is on my son’s radar…I didn’t know this…
*insert a toddler singing CHOO CHOO and pointing repeatedly HERE*
The colours, the shapes, the faces and the shear vehicle-pa-looza really appealed to my son (read: he wouldn’t leave the aisle).
I am going to have to check out the new Thomas & Friends e-story http://
It’s weird how kids are drawn to certain characters. Thomas is, apparently, HUGE.
Sharing this in case you, also, have a CHOO CHOO lover in ‘da house.
Disclosure: I am part of the Fisher-Price Play Ambassador program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
With 2 boys in my home, Thomas has been part of our life for a few hours already. Cartoons, Thomas picture drawing and of course tracks and trains. My 5 y/o seems to outgrow them but building the tracks is really good for their problem solving and fine motor skills. I think there’s a YouTube channel too.
I love the problem solving of finding which way the track should go, how to line it up. where the bridge fits. ds jabbers on and on while he does it.
As the Mama of two girls I never really got into Thomas, now that I am the super proud Mama of a one year old nephew I can’t wait to ge the train colletion started for him!
The nephew will love it. trust me.
The e-story is pretty neat!
I wish I could download the e-story and take it with me when we wait at doctor’s offices. It would be so entertaining.
I’ve heard of Thomas but didn’t know these toys were so popular. My nephew probably loves them.
Thomas is huge. Think candy. It’s train candy.