Food. Fill new parents’ fridge with soups, stews, casseroles, muffins and bars. New parents don’t have the time (nor energy to cook). There is a special place in heaven for people who bring food to tired families.
- Baby clothes. Babies go through so many outfits! Don’t just think newborn clothes but think down the line to 6, 9 and 12 months. And keep in mind seasons – will it be summer when baby is 9 months olds? – then a fleece sleeper won’t do.
- Toys. Toys build cognitive development as well as grow fine and gross motor skills. Fisher-Price is an obvious favourite and has an on-line toy finder to help pick the perfect gift.
- Diapers. Diapers are a practical gift but you can add bonus points with pretty presentation. Make a diaper “cake” by rolling 12 diapers individually and fastening each with an elastic. Place in a circle standing up. Add 9 rolled diapers as the 2nd layer. Add 6 rolled diapers as the 3rd layer. Add 3 rolled diapers as the top layer. It will look like a diaper wedding cake.
- A break! What new parents need, sometimes, is a time out. Either take the siblings out for the day (so Mom and Dad can bond with baby). Or offer to take baby out for a stroll while Mom and Dad take a nap. Breaks are good things.
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