Don’t get burned! And I note this from someone who burns every. single. year. These Sunscreen Tips are for all of us to prevent sun burns and stay sun safe this summer!… Sunscreen Tips Put sunscreen at the door. I recently had a meeting in an office that had an outdoor patio – and beside…
Family Life
Baby Shower Gift Basket Ideas
I happen to love putting together a basket or bag of baby items for new parents. Probably because I happen to enjoy baby gear (yes, I will browse the stroller section despite being out of the stroller stage myself). Perhaps these Baby Shower Gift Basket Ideas will inspire you for your next baby shower… Baby…
UGO Wallet mobile payment app
I happen to love loyalty and rewards cards. Yes, I like to earn as I shop (who doesn’t). However, all those cards burden my wallet. UGO Wallet mobile payment app allows users to pay and redeem reward points without having to carry around burdensome plastic cards. And it’s FREE… ABOUT UGO Wallet mobile payment app UGO Wallet…
Graduation Photos #NikonMOMents
As being part of the #NikonMOMents program this year – I had the opportunity to photograph some of our best milestones and celebrations with my Nikon D3300 camera. Of the pictures…I think these Graduation Photos are some of my favourite because they capture a moment of childhood which is so fleeting… One of my favourite features…
My First Time Using Sonicare DiamondClean
My First Time Using Sonicare DiamondClean – I was surprised at how quiet a high-tech toothbrush could be – like won’t-wake-the-kids-quiet – it’s a really quiet toothbrush. My first time using Sonicare DiamondClean also surprised me in some other ways… My First Time Using Sonicare DiamondClean It was like a massage for my mouth. With…
Father’s Day Gift Ideas
Father’s Day is just around the corner so it’s timely to share some Father’s Day Gift Ideas. I’ve grouped together some gift inspiration for the active Dad, tech Dad, golf Dad, and on-the-go Dad. Father’s Day Gift Ideas… Under Armour Heatgear Armour Compression Printed Men’s Sleeveless Top Nike Pro Combat Hypercool Fitted Men’s Short-Sleeve adidas…
10 Teeth Brushing Tips
Feel the pride in your smile with these 10 Teeth Brushing Tips. Simple, convienent, at home or during travel these tips will make teeth health easier… 10 Teeth Brushing Tips Brush your teeth everyday. Sounds obvious (but come that late-night-I’m-too-tired feeling it might not feel obvious). Brush your teeth at least two times a day. Everyday. Choose…
Probiotics and Digestive Health
If you know me well…you know I live my life around my IBS (fact of life unfortunately). Which makes me very aware of digestive health….mine…and my family’s digestive health. I’m sharing some information on Probiotics and Digestive Health here because Priobiotics have been part of my daily routine and gut healthy program for a few years…
Ovulation: Tips For Getting Pregnant
I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Dave Greenberg at a pregnancy preparedness Q&A session hosted by First response. Pregnancy can seem effortless for some couples, yet can be a struggle for others. From that conversation, I am sharing some of the tidbits of knowledge I gleaned which might make your conception a…
Tips To Make Mattress Shopping Easier
Whether you are buying a new mattress to accommodate your kids growth or buying a new mattress for your college/university bound kid or buying a new mattress for yourself…I’ve discovered a few Tips To Make Mattress Shopping Easier (teaser: you will want to remember the next two words: Endy Sleep)… A few tips to make mattress…
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
As Mother’s Day approaches (May 10th for anyone in my family reading this – nudge nudge!) Mother’s Day gift guides and Mother’s Day Gift Ideas are pretty timely. Now, I confess…I appreciate the kid-made-at-school Mother’s Day artwork (I really do!). However, I have a few ideas of buy-able gifts for Mom which might help you…
Hiring A House Cleaner
I clean. Every. Single. Day. Three kids makes for daily crumbs. And I always thought “I don’t need a house cleaner” (because I clean every single day – how dirty can our home get beyond that?!). However, recently I tried Hiring A House Cleaner and I think I’m hooked… 5 Things To Consider When Hiring A House…