Here are 19 Games to Play at the Park. From Hide and seek to The Ground is Lava – this list of outdoor games is sure to please.

19 Games to Play at the Park
- Hide and seek
- Tag
- What time is it Mr. Wolf
- Red Light, Green light
- Lawn Bowling
- Badminton
- Tug of war
- Simon Says
- Hopscotch
- Volleyball
- Scavenger hunt
- Parachute
- Red Rover
- Capture the flag
- Hot and cold
- I spy
- Baseball
- Soccer
- The ground is lava
What is Red light, green light?
One person stands facing away from group. They yell out “green light” and the people can move forward. But when they yell “red light” everyone has to stop and freeze in their place. Anyone who moves during “red light” is out.
What is the ground is lava?
Someone yells “the ground is lava” and everyone has to climb on something to get off the ground. Ladder, bench, slide, swing, monkey bars. The last one with their feet on the ground is it.
In case you need some snack ideas while you are at the park: BEACH FOOD IDEAS

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