Tip #1 about Back-to-School During Covid Tips is that you have to accept back-to-school during covid is a tough decision. And it’s a completely personal decision. Don’t judge anyone for what they decide to be the best choice for their family and their children’s education. Read on for more Back-to-School During Covid Tips which might make life easier…
Back-to-School During Covid Tips
Physical school attendance or E-learning?
Notice how I didn’t write that as physical school attendance Vs E-learning. Because there is no Vs here. There will be no “normal” for either of these learning choices this year. So really it’s a choice of A or B.

Physical School Covid Tips
- Stock up on re-usable/washable cloth masks. Yes, you can use disposable ones…but it will end up being a lot of landfill garbage at the end of the school year.
- Count on kids losing masks. Of course put names on masks going to school. If you thought mittens and hats went astray during the school year…masks will surely be worse. Simply because they are smaller, lighter, and easier to lose.
- A small, portable, bottle of hand sanitizer might be a good thing to have in backpacks. You can buy small size hand sanitizer bottles in most drug stores. And they sell hand sanitizer key chains and hand sanitizer holders in stores, on amazon, and on etsy. I youtube’d a paracord hand sanitizer holder and made one myself to attach to my son’s backpack.
- Kids will have to have their own school supplies especially this year. So pencils, pencil cases, sharpeners need to be on the shopping list.
- I’d like to have a lunch and snacks tip for you but it’s tricky. Will kids be allowed to take their masks off to eat? (Obviously they will have to). Do they need a fresh mask after they take the 1st one off? Where do they put their mask while they eat? And with cafeterias closed…do kids eat in hallways? In classrooms? Outside? (Outside will be impossible here in Canada in winter).
- Normally, kids leave a set of inside shoes in school. I would suggest kids use that hand sanitizer they carry in their backpack to wash their hands after the switch shoes.
- Keep your school’s 2020 calendar close at start times/end times/pd days/exam days will all be different this year.
RELATED: When You Feel Worried
E-learning School Covid Tips
- Set up a “school” area which can be used everyday. Desk, chair, good lighting, place for books.
- Set the expectation that e-learning is real school and kids need to focus. Consider blocking youtube and video games with parental controls.
- Include regular physical activity into your child’s routine to help get their bodies moving.

It is now becoming part of routine so is better.