A few ideas on Extraordinary Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day – because one day out of the year (at least) you should break with routine and do something extraordinary for Mom. Not that it has to be high cost or a ton of work. Here are a few easy and budget-friendly ideas to celebrate Mother’s Day…
Extraordinary Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day
Family Photo. Let’s face it – Mom isn’t always in the picture (she’s often the one taking the picture right?!). A family photo is a great way to capture Motherhood, childhood, family-hood…capture it all. You could book a professional or do-it-yourself. And there is a growing trend to in-the-moment family photos…so simply capture a family moment at the beach. Or in a walk in the valley. Or a family pyramid in your living room. Seriously, you could even just put out a Twister mat and take pictures of everyone reaching for a coloured circle — you would be sure to have smiles.
Food – not grocery shopped/prepared/cooked by Mom. There are three different meals to choose from…pick one and don’t have Mom do anything more than showing up. Try one (or a few) of these HASSLE-FREE BRUNCH IDEAS or this MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH menu curated for Parent Club by a chef. Or order dinner in from Mom’s favourite take-out place. Or make a reservation and go out (note: sometimes going out for dinner with young kids can be more work than pleasure for Moms – be nice and consider her work factor).
Mother’s Day Field Trip Ideas
- Family outing where everyone has fun. Think: zoo, science centre, park. Something that gets everyone out of the house, away from screens, and allows you to enjoy time together.
- Day trip. Day trip drive to a waterfall, different city, friends’ house.
Mom Me-Time Ideas
- Yoga class
- Massage
- Movie
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
- Write a letter. From partner. Daughter. Son. Parent. Write down what Mom means to you. How she inspires you. How she has guided you. Most of these things just go by unspoken but what an unexpected (and free to give) gift to get the appreciation written down.
- Hand prints of kids. Always a hit.
- Gift certificate for “a date with…” from partner to kids…it’s always nice to go on a one-on-one date. Aside: I often joke with my middle child that I’d prefer to spend time with her doing something fun rather than hanging around doctors offices with her (she’s a kid who has broken bone after bone…we spend way too much time together in the cast department).
- Tea or coffee. Always useful.
Mother’s Day Activities
- Scavenger hunt of everything Mom. Can be done outside or inside. Fun for the whole family.
- If it’s rainy out…cozy up on the couch for a movie afternoon (Mom picks).
I love the idea of gifting a family photo for mothers day! It’s not something that is thought of to do regularly, but it’s very special
I really like the idea of doing a day trip as a family. I find they’re always a great way to make memories together.
And memories together is what it’s all about right?!