Sometimes a family discussion at dinner can feel like pulling teeth. These 17 Conversation Starters for Family Dinners might make discussion time a little easier. Bonus: these work with every family. Conversation starters can lead to discussions about the events of the day, worries, proud moments and more. For the times starting a conversation feels like hitting a brick wall…try one of these 17 Conversation Starters for Family Dinners…
17 Conversation Starters for Family Dinners
So below are two ways in which you can use these conversation starters at your family dinner. One way is a casual conversation. The other turns it into a game (with a literacy component…totally secret literacy component…the kids won’t notice at all).
Casual Conversation Starters for Family Dinners
Just keep a few of these starters in your head and say them when you find the conversation at a lull.
- Tell me 3 good things which happened today…
- Describe yourself with 1 word…
- Tell me 1 bad thing which happened today…
- Who got in trouble today?…
- If you had $20 – what would you buy?…
- Would you rather a beach vacation or a skiing vacation?…
- What do you want to be when you grow up?…
- If you could have 1 super power what would it be?…
- What sport would you like to play?…
- Would you rather watch TV or read a book?…
- If you could go to any music concert…who would you go see?…
- If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could only have 3 things…what 3 things would you want?…
- What is your favourite food?…
- If you could have 1 wish…what would it be?…
- Who is your favourite super hero?…
- If you could pick your own name…what name would you pick?
- If you could go anywhere in the world…where would you go?…
Conversation Starters for Family Dinners – Game Edition
Before dinner (or as a rainy day activity) have the kids write out each of the conversation starters on a small piece of paper.* Next, have them fold up the papers and put them in a bowl or vase. Place bowl (we’ll just say it’s a bowl OK) in middle of dining table. Then, during dinner each person takes a turn picking out a paper and reading it aloud for the others to answer.**
*literacy activity #1 – writing ** literacy activity #2 – reading
Related reading: the Parent Club PICK AND TALK CONVERSATION ACTIVITY
These conversation starters also work well as an activity for awkward extended family gatherings, birthday parties, class activities and rainy day games.
We eat dinner together every single night, and we always have big discussions. It’s one of my favorite times with my husband and kids.
I scheduled extra-curriculars on weekends whenever possible so that we can have weeknight meals together
This would be great for Sunday dinners.It is the one time we all eat together.
Eating together when you can is so great
This is a very creative idea. I love dinners, the best time when the whole family can gather together.
And it’s a great time to find out what happened during the day
These are great discussion questions for at dinner time or even when we are in the car driving to activities. Can’t wait to start asking away!
great idea for the car activities!
I used to love sitting and having dinner with my parents when I was a child these are some great ideas to get the conversation flowing.
I grew up with family dinner conversations so I want to make sure my kids do the same
These are all great questions to ask. I wish we could have dinner more together but I’m always having to make every different foods so I’m always up.
Oh man!
I love these ideas! It can be a real feat to get my kids to open up sometimes!
same here!
These are great conversation points for a dinner. It is important to talk during dinner because sometimes it’s the only time we have together.
We have something similar to this for when we travel. We spend a great deal of time on the road. Rather than the kids being on their electronics the entire time. So much more fun.
I adore the idea of having a conversation starter for family dinner! It’s much better than asking ‘how was your day’ and getting a lackluster response.
This is a good list. I can use this in family reunion, when I see my distant relatives.
What did you discover today?
Did you learn anything important today?
What a lovely list, I love chatting with my son around the table and hearing all about his day and thoughts.
This list is great! We love having family discussions over dinner but sometimes I do think we need to kick it up a notch to keep things interesting and fun.
These are great and a great way to get everyone talking!
Great ideas for family that need to reconnect.
This is a great help for a first-time parents like me. Thanks for sharing these! Will apply this technique to my son.
There are some fun questions here. I’ll be sure to use some of them because I’m curious as to what my kids might say.