A Little Motivation To Follow Your Dreams. My dream was to publish a book. Not self-publish. Or write a blog post. I wanted to go into a bookstore and see my book on a shelf. I’ve always wanted to be an author. Ever since I was my high school newspaper’s editor-in-chief (and even before that). Make your dreams happen! You can do it!!!
That’s me…with my two best selling books. Here’s my motivation for you…make your dreams a priority.
I know. We all dream. Hope. Aspire.
But you have to decide to make them happen. The ones you can make happen anyway (I dream of being a world traveler, however, my bank account and travel anxiety make that dream a little more loftier than others).
An author?! Yeah, that one I could go after.
So I wrote my manuscript while I was pregnant. I figured…if I didn’t do it “now” I would never have the spare time to do it (not for the foreseeable future anyway). So on those nights where I could have napped or gone for a girls’ night out…I wrote. Once the kids went to bed…I wrote. Early mornings when I was too pregnant to sleep…I wrote.
Then, I had a baby.
You’d think 2 school aged kids and a newborn would be enough to stop anyone in their dream tracks. Not me. I put my sleepy newborn son in his car seat and sat him at my feet while I pitched publishers far and wide. A few each day.
In February, I got the golden-ticket reply from Cico Books. They wanted my manuscript. I signed the contract in March. It was on bookshelves in Canada, the United States of America and in the United Kingdom by the following February.
Boredom Busters and More Boredom Busters is even available on Amazon.
If your dream is to be an author, I have a List of Canadian Children’s Book Publishers to help other aspiring authors find out who to pitch and query.
You also might be interested in reading my post on How To Write A Book Proposal and my suggestions for Canadian Author Resources.
It’s amazing to have a dream come true. The funny thing is after the epic pride you feel of achieving your dream…there’s an epic need to do-it-again. I am pitching publishers new manuscripts this year (both kids’ books…one fiction…one non-fiction). I hoping you can make your dreams come true repeatedly. 😉
Congrats!! such a great and amazing achievement!
Thanks so much!
Wow! You can officially say you’re an “author” – how awesome! I’m going to check out your books now!
That is awesome! It has to feel good to say you are published author! I could definitely use these books in these summer with my kiddos.
That is so amazing! You are an author! You are published. That is fantastic. And I love what you’re writing about. WOOHOO!
These books look great! I think it’s important to stimulate our children’s minds in a way that gets them excited about doing something other than playing video games. Video games are fine, but just not ALL the time.
Congratulations this is such an amazing thing to accomplish! It really is important to stimulate our children’s minds with books!
It is SO important to follow your dreams! This is inspirational.
You are an inspiration! You are showing people that if you work hard to follow your dreams and don’t let obstacles get in your way, you can achieve your dreams.
These books sound great. It’s so great to follow your dreams. I hope that everyone can follow their own dreams.
My kids are always acting like they are so bored. I always tell them to go read a book and get lost in another world.
Amazing and good for you! Writing a book in definitely on my list for sure!
Congratualtions ! You are such an inspiration. You show that it is so important to follow your dreams!
That is so beyond cool that you were able to follow your dreams to have your books published! I think having a dream is very inspirational and a great motivator.
Congratulations on your amazing achievement. I have been teaching my kids to follow their heart and go for your dreams. You never know what you can do if you do not try.
This is such an awesome inspiration. Congrats on your two books!
What an inspiring story. So many of us just dream, but you sat down and did it!
Everyone has dreams and it is whether or not we act on them that is the difference. This is such a positive message!
So cool! You are a real author. That’s amazing! It also helps that the book looks super cool.
Wow!That is amazing! Congratulations!! I am sure more authors will be inspired by your story!
That is so inspiring! Sometimes you just need to follow your BIG dreams and make them happen. I hope I can do the same one day.
Quite the inspiration, I needed that! 😀
This is a wonderful accomplishment. You must be very proud!
This is inspirational.You must be so proud!
Wow, good for you! Congratulations!
Wow, what an acheivement! Congrats! It is a huge accomplishment 🙂
Congratulations! It’s a huge accomplishment to be published in print. Children’s books are hard to get a publisher to accept a book.