This Toys “R” Us Gift Card Giveaway is to help beat summer boredom! Whether you need a surprise toy for a road trip or water toys to beat the heat or books to read at the cottage or simply a treat for summer fun…this gift card is just a little token to help make summer easier.
Note: this giveaway is open to residents of Canada, excluding Quebec.
I enjoyed reading Tips for Planning a Visit to Canada’s Wonderland Splash Works 🙂 Wonderland is one of my favorite places to go in the summer
I really liked the Splash works blog. So many great tips
Love reading your recipe posts, just used the idea for the RED FRUIT SALAD and it was a big hit!
We are heading to Canada’s wonderland so that article helped with the planning part.
I love the Tips for Planning a Visit to Canada’s Wonderland Splash Work . we are heading there in 3 weeks with my sister’s family on a big train. trip to toronto. it’s great to know that I don’t need to bring a life jacket for my 3 year old
I love the recipes because I have some picky eaters at my house lol. Thanks
I loved the article on DIY LID ORGANIZERS – I love life hacks like this that can save those few seconds of aggravation!
I liked the orange and cloves air freshener post as I prefer natural scents and the recipe is easy to use.
I liked the post about Red Fruit Salad because you can always change the colors and it’s a great way to encourage kids to eat more fruit.
I really enjoy reading your Recipe tips, because my 7 year old grandson is a picky eater and will be staying with us for 3 weeks over the summer break, so I look for recipes that he’ll enjoy. I loved the Red Fruit Salad and Easy Snacks to Pack ideas, I know he’s going to enjoy them.
I like the food section – APPLESAUCE BRAN MUFFINS – yummy
I loved the Wonderland article! I have childhood memories of the place and hope to go again one day!
I love your post on tip how to buy designer glasses. This is definitely awesome help
I love you recipes post, it’s nice to get new idea. I like the Red Fruit Salad, what a great idea !
One of my favorite Parent Club posts is the EASY OVERNIGHT OATS because my fussy grandson loves them !
I liked the Canada Wonderland’s Splash Work blog. I use to go to Canada’s Wonderland all the time as a child but moved to Calgary so haven’t been for years. I didn’t even know they had a water park there but this article has made me want to take a family to trip to Toronto so I can take my kids there.
I honestly love your food posts! My favourite post would be the Grilled cheese in the oven post. It is great when you need to make grilled cheese for a party or your family and you want everyone to have a grilled cheese together at the same time.
I always like checking the food section to get ideas for snacks or meals for the kids and myself.
We have never been to Canada’s Wonderland so your post on that was really helpful.
I liked the Canada’s Wonderland article. We will be visiting there and it’s been a long time since the last time I was there. It has changed a lot!
I liked TIPS ON HOW TO SAVE FOR TRAVEL, because when you’re traveling, especially with kids, safety is the number one priority.
I enjoy reading your baking section it gives me idea on new things to bake I really like the easy butter tarts recipe- this is one of our favorites
The recipe for Apple Bran Muffins because I love baking!
I liked read about Great Wolf Lodge because my family is thinking about going there.
I enjoyed reading about the water park at Canadas Wonderland, sounds like a lot of fun!!
Canadas Wonderland. I have so many fond memories of that place and something nthere force everyone to enjoy
I like reading the food posts and when I am not sure what to make for dinner I look in the dinner section. The recipes use things I usually have in my pantry and they give me inspiration on those days I am not sure what I want to make.
I love reading the BOREDOM BUSTERS. There are some great ideas there.
I like your food section. we have made you potato bacon quiche and cooked it at home and then taken it camping with us to warm in foil over the campfire!!
I love reading about the foods. I love the oatmeal bites recipe! I’ll be making those
I like the easy overnight oats post
I liked your Loot Bag Ideas post because I never know what to put in there!
I love the 20 travel ideas to keep kids busy post. I get the “are we there yet” within 5 minutes! Can’t wait to try them out for our cottage long weekend!
Splash works blog
I liked SUMMER ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS ON A HOT DAY because it’d be helpful for the next 2 months
I liked the EASY OVERNIGHT OATS post as it was something I could see myself making (and have made) to eat!
I enjoy reading recipes that the grand children would like
I enjoyed reading Tips for Planning a Visit to Canada’s Wonderland Splash Works
My daughters and I have made your DIY 2-ingredient lip gloss several times now!
TIPS ON HOW TO PUBLISH A BOOK: writing off a chapter outline would help me with focus and follow through. I have started so many books, need to finish a great story.
love the recipes because I run out of ideas
I enjoy reading 15 ACTIVITY AND SCHOOL BREAK THEME DAY IDEAS FOR KIDS. I like the suggestions and putting it into a chart is easier to absorb.
I enjoyed the recipes post. My little guy is pretty picky.
I enjoyed Easy Snacks to Pack, because I’m always looking for ideas for take along snacks
I like the recipes! Always on the look out for new ones
i liked the EASY BUTTER TARTS RECIPE and to find an easier recipe to try is great
I love the no sew sock it’s a great craft for the summer
I like the articles on travelling with kids.
love it.
I liked reading the ALways my Fit Post – it was very informative. Love the new products and it makes it easier for me to talk about it with my teenaged daughter.
I liked the eco activities post – there are things I hadn’t thought of! Like donating books!
The recipes are our go to in this house. That red fruit salad really brought on some new inspiration for the summer and is getting fruit in with fin.thank you.
I love reading all your recipes
I love the food section. The recipes are great. The apple cinnamon granola bars are delicious.
Great recipes!
The splash works blog so many great ideas.
love the recipes
I enjoyed reading about the Diy orange and clove air freshner its nice to know there are natural alternatives out there . not everything is chemically based.
I love the recipes to help get new ideas
I like the Apple cinnamon granola bars recipe.
I really like the post “3 Simple Rules to Healthier Eating” because I’m trying to have our family lead a healthier lifestyle with food.
It is an older post now, but I recently read your post on “15 Activity and School Break Theme Day Ideas for Kids” because I was looking for some summer ideas. I especially liked your idea of doing the food day where you eat everything backwards. Such a creative idea!
I like “Activities for kids on a hot day”. Really handy right now.
I like the Boredom Busters articles…right now, keeping them busy is a pretty big priority.
I liked the red fruit salad post. It is very creative!
Planning for Canada Wonderland was a good read
I found the Tips to Crush Your Craving interesting. I did not know that Metamucil® carried that product. This could work for me.
I loved reading about DIY lid organizers – very useful for our kitchen! 🙂
I liked reading your article “WHAT’S YOUR SIZE? ALWAYS MY FIT”. My daughter is 12 and we are preparing for her Big day. There are so many selections to choose from compared to when I was her age. I’m sure she will try quite a few before she finds what FITS best for her.
I liked reading the post on loot bag ideas for kid’s birthday parties. I get stuck on ideas for something new, and this helped add more options that we hadn’t done before.
I read the things to do travel stuff for TO and then pass it onto my daughter (who prob ignores it) but she move to ON and I want her to take in as much as possible, when she’s young and able
the Apple cinnamon granola bars recipe because it is very quick and easy to make and is perfect to take out on our hikes
Tips for Planning a Visit to Canada’s Wonderland Splash Work because we are planning a family trip to Wonderland. Thanks for the great tips
I liked the bug bites post. Apple cider vinegar is a staple at our house and would be handy
I liked Red Fruit Salad because it gave me a great idea for a birthday party
The wonderland article is great I grow up going there and since we have moved away I would love to get there with my kids.
i like tips on how to save for travel
I really liked the orange and cloves air freshener post. I thought it was a great idea that I could really use.
I liked reading about the red fruit salad. It looks so appealing and very nutritious. A fun way to get kids to eat it as well
I found the AUTHOR HASHTAGS | HASHTAGS FOR AUTHORS CHEAT SHEET very useful. I saved the page for future use. I always have trouble coming up with what hashtags to use when writing on social media. Thanks for the super giveaway opportunity.
I really liked your post on DIY Lid Organizers (using magazine holders to store). I’ve just purged a lot of my plastic containers, and my vow is to keep them organized. Wish me luck :0
The important calendar reminders article was useful to bookmark and keep in mind.
I enjoyed reading a blog regarding planning a plane trip with a child tips and tricks it was from a mom blog but I can’t remember the name as I scroll through so many. Maybe valley mom, it was really good.
I enjoyed the splash works blog.
I also really enjoyed the Splash works post!
I really liked the review you did on the UGO Wallet App that Turns Your Gift Cards Digital because it’s such an innovative, easy way to keep track of gift cards without keeping them all in your wallet!
I like the Easy Butter Tarts Recipe because I’ve loved butter tarts since I was a kid.
I liked BUDGET-FRIENDLY TIPS TO SPRUCE UP BACKYARDS because I like to have a beautiful yard.
I like the recipes and the water park article
I like the recipes!
The hot summer toy list is helpful!
I love the food blogs. The SPRING ROLLS WITH GROUND PORK RECIPE is one I will make this week.
You have some pretty great recipes, really like the easy lids organizer post though. Can use some more organization in my life.
The truth of it! Enjoyed reading “Activities for kids on a hot day” . All too true in this house. Thanks for some extra ideas!
I entered my name as Heather Howard when commenting but just noticed I was logged in to my ChaosAndSilence account!
SNACK TIPS AND #SNACKHACKS. We always need new ideas for snacks!
i like reading the food articles like baking and snacks. i can always use help with cooking/baking
Blog favorites that I follow are : Recipes & Travel. Getting lean for a new bathing suit and a trip in the future.
I like reading about travel posts on your blog and also really like the recipes
splash works – so many great tips!
I loved your post and recipe about butter tarts. They are one of my favourite things!
I like the KIDS PAINTING IDEAS PAINTING WITH FOOD – what a great idea!
the post called armpit fudge got my attention and didnt disappoint. a great recipe and something to do with the kids in a fun way. Ideas like that make a worthwhile read.
The Recipes always help me make dinner more interesting.
I liked reading the Easy Snacks To Pack because I’m always looking for new snack ideas.
I like reading DIY posts like the easy lip gloss you made!
I love your boredom buster posts, so great for a bored kid in the summer! Keep them coming!
omg ……