No more “I’m bored!” from the kids! These 15 Activity and School Break Theme Day Ideas for Kids will do the trick to bust boredom (and give you a general game plan for school breaks, staycations, and Camp Mom plans). Seriously. Bookmark, Pin, and print this little gem of sanity saving theme days…
15 Activity and School Break Theme Day Ideas for Kids
- Scavenger Hunt. Well, I happen to have a FREE Scavenger Hunt pdf all ready for you to print right this very minute. Kids will LOVE it. Works for any neighbourhood.
- Science day. My book Boredom Busters has a whole section on science activities (the GOO is the kid’ favourite around here). Borrow it from your local public library or buy it (Amazon, Indigo, pretty much anywhere books are sold).
- Sports day. Dress for the weather and get out to do your favourite sport. Swimming, karate, yoga. You can also do seasonal stuff like skiing or tobogganing (also called sledding in some places).
- Arts n’ crafts. Don’t even get me started on arts n’ crafts ideas (because I will not stop)…instead just head over to the crafts section here on Parent Club.
- Pirate day. Talk like a pirate. Eat like a pirate. Walk like a pirate. And repeat.
- Movie day. Not just a movie marathon. Make movie-ish food. Roll play movie characters. Pretend to go film your own movie.
- Build something day. Lego. Living room fort. Cookie tower.
- PJ day. Stay in pjs all day. See what happens.
- Book day. Read one. Write one. Draw one. Colour one. Write a letter to an author.
- Olympics day. Go out and try one (or four) of your favourite Olympic sports. Look up when there are 5 Olympic rings. Research why their are 5 Olympic colours on the rings…
- DIY day. A favourite for tweens and teens. DIY your room make-over. DIY a spa day. DIY an upcycled thing.
- Food day. Eat backwards (dinner, lunch, and then breakfast). Eat in alphabetical order. Bake.
- Backwards day. Kind of like backwards food day. Start your day like you finish it. Put your clothes on backwards. Walk backwards. Or backwards family (kids are the parents and parents are the kids).
- Travel day. Go someplace or PRETEND to go someplace. Paris anyone?…
- Rainbow day. Eat a rainbow. Draw a rainbow.
I’m so excited about this list! We’ve never eaten backwards and I’m totally doing that tomorrow! Thank yoU!!
I love to plan out and set up a good Scavenger Hunt. This is a great idea for the Winter break.
I have a day of baking planned with the kids. I love that they are learning great skills and we have a ton of fun. These are great ideas.
These are really great ideas! My kids love arts and crafts and movies!
I need these for this week because my kids are already bored and it’s been 2 days!
I love all of these ideas. Scavenger hunts are always popular with my girls. They love doing them.
These are all great ideas for kids right now with Christmas vacation in full swing. Once that boredom kicks in it’s a good thing to have a list of ideas ready to go.
i love this idea. i used to love scavenger hunts. i am gonna pass this idea along to my friend. she would love this
Love the themes and the goo looks like it’ll be a big hit over here too!
Love these ideas!!!
great ideas!
Great ideas for keeping the kids engaged.
good ideas.
what a great idea to have theme days