It is no secret I have IBS (OK a bit of a secret…it’s not really something I like to advertise really). However, I’m writing about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) today because there is Something new for IBS: IBgard. If you are like me, and the millions who have IBS, you might want to give this a read…
What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder of the intestines. It causes belly pain, cramping or bloating, and diarrhea or constipation. Irritable bowel syndrome is a long-term problem, but treatment can help you manage your symptoms.– Source webmd
My definition of IBS: unreliable. embarrassing. anxiety-making. painful and an all-around-pain.
Here is a week in the life of Caroline:
Monday: Sure I’d love to go to your *insert event here*
Event day: Sorry, can’t attend. Sending regrets.**
**code for: my IBS triggered and I cannot leave the house. And I feel like I have no control over my body. And I’m completely embarrassed. And I’m missing out on the event I was looking forward to. Also, I feel guilty that I let you down.
My friends’ kid me that my IBS is like a thunderstorm. It rolls in quite uncontrollably. I think of more as Tsunami waves of destruction.
The special thing about my IBS is that there is a magic chain reaction and when I trigger…I trigger for days. Not only do I feel unwell…I can’t keep my nutrients…meaning I lose weight very quickly (also very tiring).
I’ve seen doctors, specialists, naturopaths, massage therapists, nutritionists. I am pretty educated on IBS which is why this new natural health product for IBS recently launched in Canada is of interest to me…
The first of its kind in Canada, non-prescription IBgard® uses an innovative targeted technology to deliver peppermint oil directly to the small intestine, where IBS sufferers need it most.
IBgard® capsules contain individually triple-coated, sustained-release, microspheres of Ultramen®, an ultra-purified peppermint oil. Peppermint oil and its principal component l- Menthol, has a history of effectiveness in IBS. However, until now, its targeted delivery to the lower gut has posed a challenge. Only IBgard® utilizes the breakthrough science of SST® (Site Specific Targeting) technology, to deliver microspheres of peppermint oil (in a solid state) to the lower gut.
In a recent study, IBgard:
- Reduced frequency and intensity of eight measured symptoms of IBS: abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating or distention, diarrhea, constipation, feeling of incomplete evacuation, urgency, pain at evacuation, and gas or mucus;
- Reduced abdominal pain or discomfort at 24 hours and four weeks;
- Is well tolerated with side effects comparable to placebo.
Where to buy IBgard
Look for the green packages of IBgard in the pharmacy section at Shoppers Drug Mart, Walmart (Quebec only), and Jean Coutu.
SHARE: Do you know anyone with IBS?…
Note: This post is brought to you in partnership with IBgard. Opinions are my own.
I have IBS and when I get attacks the pain is worse than labour and can last up to 10 hours.
I know your pain. The ibgard worked for me
That’s exactly right!! I’ve had these symptoms and end up on floor pushing down on abdomen with hands administering self acupressure to push down the gas and break it up and employ a lot of heavy-duty cleansing breath’s that we were taught and used during labor) for almost 45 years now (I’m 62)…some episodes lately in past two years have lasted 6 – 10 weeks. I keep EXCESSIVE amounts of GasXcess and immodium in car…in house!! I hate accepting dinner invites as anything I put in my mouth immediately betrays me…fortunately I’ve learned what to avoid but sometimes I bite the bullet because I’m just too darn hungry for some comfort food so I indulge and suffer. !! I’ll definitely try this!!
I have IBS also, I’ve never tried anything like this to make it better. Donely thing that’s ever worked for me is actually using the bathroom. I should try this and see how it works.
I have a friend that suffers from IBS. I will have to let her know about this new product. It will be a great help to her.
This is great news for IBS sufferers. Getting some relief from the symptoms of IBS would be a godsend.
IBS is definitely something very difficult and tricky to work with. Any product is worth checking out and trying!
I have a friend with IBS, and I will definitely be showing this to her. She has a terrible time with it, and this sounds like it could help.
I don’t have IBS but it’s great to know that there are effective products out there to help people that do.
So sorry to hear you suffer from this. I hope the new product you found works well and lets you live life to the fullest!
I have a family member that has IBS. I know it can get in the way of life at any given moment.
I often feel like people think IBS is a made up sickness. I am glad to see a product on the market like this for those that suffer!
I have friends who have IBS!! I love that they are working on products and medicines to help those with it.
This sounds like a game changer for you. I have a friend with IBS. I will have to share this with him.
Living with IBS is so unpredictable. I will have to share this with my friends. It is nice to see a new product come available.
Love that there are products and help for things like IBS.
I don’t have IBS, but I do have friends and family members that do. I will recommend they try this! Thank you.
I know a couple friends that have IBS. I’ll be sure to pass this info off to them! Thanks!
As someone who has suffered from IBS, the news that their is a new treatment is amazing. Such great news. Will check it out.
I used to experience IBS. I would have loved to have something natural like IBgard to help out.
This is very informative! IBgard sounds like a great help for people suffering this condition.
I know a few friends who suffer with IBS AND I’m definitely going to share this post with them. Thank you so much for this resource!
A friend of mine suffers so bad from IBS. I’ve got to have her check this out!
IBS sounds awful, so sorry you have to deal with it. Glad there’s something out there that provides some relief.
I have severe Ibs attacks and frequently. I lost 25lbs because these attacks were 2 to 4 X a week. I quit eating because of it. Then my boss saw the commercial for ibgard so I was desperate to try anything at this point. I has my doubts. I even called my doctor to make sure it was ok to take. He said no because it wasn’t FDA approved. I was in pain so as soon as I had a couple days off work I decided to try it anyway. I’ve been now taking it for over a month and it works. While taking it I havnt had an attack and I’ve began eating again. U ran out for two days. And I ended up having another severe attack. I was trying to wait till.payday to get another box. I ended up borrowing the money to get it. I wish it was cheaper and I could find coupons. I know know I can’t stop using this product because it works so well. I’m just still nervous about taking it without my docs. Approval. But I figured if the only reason was because it’s not FDA approved then it’s not a good enough reason. If it won’t hurt me then I don’t see the problem taking it. I will inform him I’m taking it at my next appointment. My attacks were so painful I would wish for death. This product has been a lifesaver for me.
Living with IBS is not easy. I’m glad you are being proactive in talking with your doctor to find what will help you best manage your symptoms. You aren’t alone in this!