This DIY Photo Background is easy and inexpensive. Using materials from the dollar store – you can make the DIY Photo Background in under 10 minutes (for under $10!)…think: DIY Instagram background or DIY blog photos background. This is simple yet so versatile…
DIY Photo Background Materials
(and you can get all of this from the dollar store!)…
- vinyl place mat
- contact paper
- scissors
That’s it! Three things is all you need (and it’s under $10 a background – you’ll have contact paper left over so you could make more than one DIY photo background – and it’ll end up looking like this…
To start…lay your materials out on a flat surface.
Open your contact paper (i.e. take off the plastic film around it). Lay it out on top of your place mat. Then cut it a little bit longer and wider than the place mat (you want about an inch overlap so you can stick it on the back side).
Next, flip the contact paper over and peel away the backing…
Carefully, flip the contact paper over and stick it to your place mat. Ensure there are no air bubbles or wrinkles. Then, flip the photo background and stick the overage to the back of the place mat.
Ta-daa! That’s it. In minutes, you have a handy-dandy DIY photo background — just like that! You could use this over and over again for Instagram photos, food photography, product photography for your blog. I would love to find contact paper in a granite theme and use this for a granite tabletop DIY photo background.
And if you love DIYs – you might want to try my DIY Lipgloss – only 2 ingredients!
I like the way you think 🙂 I most often use my kitchen table, it has a barn board kind of look and works fairly well.
My kitchen table is a drab oak brown…it is a great table…just not quite barn board cool.