Wanna play? Two words which sum up my childhood…and the present day of my kids. Here are some Fun Outdoor Play Ideas For Kids that you could do today…because let’s be honest…modern day technology is changing the way kids play.
It’s true my kids idea of play is different than mine from my childhood. Today there are tablets and phones and video games and on-demand digital whatever-you-want to keep them entertained. But everything in moderation right?! Summer is time to take advantage of the sun and warm weather and get outside and play.
Fun Outdoor Play Ideas For Kids
- Biking
- Splash pad
- Swimming
- Hop scotch
- Basketball
- Scooter
- Asking a friend to play
- Scavenger hunt
- Hide and seek
What did we do today for play? Visit to a trampoline park. Splash pad. Living room dance party. Completely true!
Wanna play? Think of the stuff you already have in your home or shed that you can play with…bikes, toys, sprinklers. Or think about what is in your neighbourhood which can be a play environment…soccer field, playground, tennis court.
Don’t forget to create an inspirational photo or video of you playing on your social channels with the hashtag #WannaPlay and tag @CanadianTire. Go ahead and also tag your friends and followers so they too can be a part of Summer of Play.
Canadian summers aren’t what they used to be. A recent Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of Canadian Tire shows that technology (63%) and safety concerns (50%) are the biggest inhibitors to letting kids play freely. Three quarters (74%) of Canadian parents also say that their kids play differently than they did as a kid.
Parents say their favourite memories include biking to a friend’s house (74%) or swimming all day (52%). Only seven per cent say they stayed indoors and watched TV. One in 10 parents (10%) also confess that their kids aren’t active and won’t participate in any physical activity.
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