There is nothing quite like a gorgeous Fall day when the sun is shining and the leaves falling from the trees are every shade of red, yellow and orange. Even though the temperatures are also falling, this time of year is the perfect opportunity to take your family outside and make some lasting memories!
10 Ideas to Take Your Family Outside
Water falls, tucked away lakes, rolling hills and trails leading through gorgeous forests. Get out there and enjoy. Google hiking trails around you, check out local ski hills that might be open for Fall. Follow that path into the forest near your house just to see where it leads.
The sport of using GSP co-ordinates from your smart phone to find hidden treasures and log books is happening all over the world and right in your own backyard. A simple download of the Geocaching app and you only need to hit one button that says “Find Nearby Geocaches” and you are off. It will lead you by compass and distance markers right to the area where you need to start looking in bushes, under logs and hanging from tree branches for the hidden cache. When you find it there will be a log book to sign and maybe a treasure to take, as long as your replace it with a new treasure for someone else. Check out for more information.
Corn Maze
So many local farms are getting in on the Corn Maze craze! Google corn mazes in your area and support local farmers by checking them out.
Apple Picking
The season starts in early September and goes to late October and is a perfect family fun activity. Get kids in the kitchen when you get home to make some yummy apple pies or healthy Oatmeal Applesauce Muffins for school.
Bike Path
Get those bikes and helmets out and strap on the training wheels. Most cities now boast bike paths that are even riding terrain for the newest cyclists in your family.
Horseback Riding
If you have older kids, why not look for a local horse stable that offers Trail Rides. Many have staff on hand that will walk along side riders as young as 3 and have horses that are gentle with beginner riders.
How good is your aim? Think outside the fruit farm and look for Conservation areas or Harvest Festivals nearby that offer archery or log cutting.
Visit a Pioneer Village
Wonder what they do at a Pioneer Village? You might just learn how to make sausages or see demonstrations on candle dipping, historic cooking, or grain threshing!
Go Fly A Kite
The wind that sets those fall leaves free from the trees is excellent for flying a kite at a nearby park or soccer field. And running with that kite will have the kids flushed and giggling all afternoon.
Leaf Jumping
No Fall Family Fun is complete without a giant pile of leaves to jump in and mess up! Get in on the action. Collect leaves from all the neighbours lawns, rake them into a giant pile and then spend the afternoon rolling around in them with your kids.
So much fun to be had outdoors, don’t be afraid to explore new ideas and events in your own community. You may be surprised at how many new Fall Family Traditions you can create!
Deb Lowther is a mother of 3 young daughters who, when not running after the kids, is running in the trails. Find more inspiring tips on her website http://www.
I have always wanted to try geocaching. I also appreciate the autumn because they do not burn as quickly from the sun!
I love fall, it is so beautiful. We are a get off the couch and get outside family. I especially like your mention of geocaching. We have been doing it for years.
All great ideas! We love going hiking in the fall especially once the colours start changing! We have not tried geocaching yet but have heard some good things about doing it – maybe next year we will try it!
We used to fly kites all the time. Still so much fun!
Biking is our number one choice. Now that our kids are older they bike everywhere, and i also happen to believe it makes kids become better drivers later on!
Love your idea!
My kids love flying kites. It is a really fun family activity.