Is Mother’s Day sneaking up on you?! (yeah, me too!). Ok, here are some awesome Last Mimute Mother’s Day Gift Ideas From Kobo – easy, one-size-fits-all, and a little something every mother would love…I’m obviously including myself in that…nudge nudge family members!…
- Kobo Arc 10HD: For the techy mom KoboArc 10HD offers the highest resolution screen on the market and it’s ultra-fast.
- Kobo Arc 7HD: For the social mom TheKobo Arc 7HD is the best HD tablet for eReaders with Internet browsing capabilities and downloadable apps like Facebook, Skype, Netflix and others.
You will remember I reviewed a Kobo Arc and can authentically attest to it being a fantastic Mother’s Day gift contender. Personally, I found the tapestries feature (where you can pin apps, games, and pretty much anything you want into categories on your main page) to be really unique and handy. It plays videos with amazing definition and the sound is pretty great too. And yes, browsing is easy and awesome (great for keeping up with your social network in real time!).
Both devices are brilliant for busy Moms *waves hand*. Great size for portability. Super resolution. Brings all the apps you need for work/life/entertainment along with the apps you don’t need but love (I’m looking at you Firetruck-game-which-my-kids-are-addicted-to)
Kobo’s Mother’s Day Offer:
To celebrate Mother’s Day in Canada, Kobo is offering $10 off the Kobo Aura and $30 of free content*, $20 off the Kobo Arc 7D and $30 of free content*, and $50 off the Kobo Arc 10HD and $30 of free content* from April 23 – May 11. Available at Indigo, Best Buy, Future Shop, Staples, and The Source.
*Free content includes eBooks and eMagazines.
I have always been curious about trying out eMagazines (ok, I admit I love turning a magazine printed page but feel guilty about the amount of magazine paper which ends up in my recycling bin). This free content deal in the Kobo Mother’s Day bundles would be a great way to test drive eMagazines (and from everything I hear…they are pretty great).
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