I am a…Mom On The Move. Going to get groceries, headed to a park, driving to karate class, swinging by the library –always moving and always with a toddler (and add a couple of kids to that equation during the summer). Always on the go means I have to be organized and have my diaper bag stocked for everything from everyday needs to emergency items. Here is my diaper bag checklist for a Mom on the Move.
1. Bath & Body Works: PocketBac Holder 2. Foogo by Thermos: Stainless Steel Leak-Proof Straw Bottle, 3. Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers, 4. Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone, 5. The Children’s Place: Pull-On Shorts, Ape Graphic Tee, Ankle Socks.Hand sanitizer and wipes are always easily accessible in my diaper bag (going directly from playground to snack, we always need a hand clean-up). A bottle of water for the whole family is now an on-the-go staple and you never know who is going to get thirsty when you are out and about (and the best fast food is food you already have!). Dependable diapers are a must because a diaper fail is never a good thing, no matter how kid-friendly your destination may be. My phone is my favourite portable kids’ activity (my kids’ fave too). I load it with age appropriate games and videos and offer it as a really-special-treat for when we are waiting in doctor’s offices. A change of clothes is a must (not only for spills, but also for spontaneous outings to indoor playgrounds where socks are obligatory or as a change after a surprise splash pad find).
Are you a Mom On The Move too (or Dad or other caregiver)? I created a FREE printable Diaper Bag Checklist to help make going out with baby a little easier.
Click here to print out the pdf of Diaper Bag Checklist
Here’s a snapshot of where my Mom on the Moves took me this week: Grocery store (2x), library, park (4x), farmer’s market, shopping mall, home building store, playdate (2x), walk in the ‘hood (3x), ortho appnt (2x). My diaper bag essentials are my go-to for keeping toddler clean, dry, fed, and happy (and myself as well!).
The ultimate test for Huggies diapers & wipes is in real life – from messy first birthday parties to playground playdates. Put the new and improved products, including Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers with NEW SureFit Design and Huggies Natural Care Wipes with Triple Clean Layers, to the test in and out of the nursery. Become an Official Huggies Testers at Huggies.com/Tester.
As the years are going by, my diaper bag essentials are changing. I will advise though that the most important thing to have in your diaper bag is wipes and diapers, and for that I always turn to Huggies!