These past two years have been filled with so many milestones for my little guy. First steps (9 months), first words (Papa), first extreme climb (dinner table), first surgery (ear tubes), first flight (California)…so many firsts. I wonder…what’s next with his milestones?
Selfishly, I hope his next milestone includes some sort of thinking and problem solving because his toddler frustrations (i.e. tantrums) gnaw at my nerves. Dear boy, please learn to use your words. Think. Figure it out.
Related: Parent Club post How do you know your children’s skills are being developed?
I am no expert at guiding milestones…which is why I defer to the experts at Fisher-Price. The Fisher-Price 3 Pillars of Development and the 12 Elements of Enrichment chart is a great reference to guide you and your child through the next milestone.
This year, I am expecting increased balance & coordination (maybe one day soon he’ll be able to put his boots on without falling down). I am hoping for increased thinking & problem solving (perhaps he’ll figure out how to communicate what he wants a little more verbally). I am looking forward to seeing him grow his sharing & cooperation abilities (perhaps he’ll even make his first friend!).
Though his first year is over…there are many firsts yet to come.
New year – new milestones…what are you looking forward to this year?
Disclosure: I am part of the Fisher-Price Play Ambassador program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
THe best part is not knowing what’s next 🙂
You must be a “glass is half full” type of person. I have a great fear of the unknown!