Confession: I dislike the evening bath. I know – revoke my #1 Mom badge now (not that I was ever really that close to being #1 Mom…ever).
I am a whole ‘nother parent after 5pm. I turn from a nice, entertaining, patient parent into a grumpy, short-tempered, why-don’t-you-just-go-to-sleep troll. I am not proud.
And in my Mom-to-troll transformation evening bath suffers. It’s quick. Not fun. Practical. Which is not what evening bath is supposed to be right? Evening bath should be calming. Entertaining. A nice natural progression from activity to bed. Yah – I don’t play that.
So I have decided to make bath time fun – during the day.
Daytime baths are a daychanger! Baby T can splash, drip, soak, spill to his heart’s content. It’s an activity that fills up our boring morning routine, tires him out for afternoon nap and makes me smile when I have the heart to enjoy his baby moments.
I may not be #1 Mom…but I’m growing.
Disclosure: I am part of the Fisher-Price Play Panel and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own
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Kate Kurys on behalf of Ivory Canada
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I found toys were always the key to a happy quick bath