I confess…I snapped at the kids tonight. All because we are going on a trip. And travel stresses me out.
It’s the laundry and organizing and planning and “what ifs” which send my tipping point to snapping point.
And you would think I’d be over this. My kids are travel troopers. I’ve taken them to France (many times), Spain (a few times), Germany (but not on purpose), Dominican Republic (one kid returned with stitches), United States (more than once) and of course lots-o-places in Canada. They are travel-ers.
It’s me that doesn’t travel well.
I get a travel itch (this time it was replacing a Sophie the Giraffe I killed a few months ago – you should NEVER EVER pour boiling water over Sophie to sanatize her…it kills her.).
I never know what to pack – how much to pack – or if I’ll have pack regret.
This time, I decided that it’s just easier to pack THIS…so I did…because I need to make life easier for myself.
A man travels with his credit card (if he needs something he’ll buy it). A women travels with everything (just in case she needs something). That’s my own little philosophy there.
And yes, I am snapping and stressing. It is my travel nature.
Don’t worry too much about it 🙂
Everyone travels differently and yes, women pack EVERYTHING and a man could be content with packing one extra pair of underwear and a toothbrush.. You are in good company with the getting overwhelmed!