Let me tell you a little secret. I worry, fret, overthink, muddle, get anxious over the silliest of things. It has been said “if Caroline could worry about shoe laces she would”. Which is not entirely untrue (will they stay tied? will they become untied? there is worrying in that).
And being the worrier that I am…I worried. Right. Now. Because in a few days I will be heading to Blissdom Canada.
But I’ve never left Thing 3 overnight. I have reverse separation anxiety.
And out of the 5 things to take to a blogging conference – a baby is not on that list (tho blogging conferences are, quite often, baby friendly). I actually have to “work” at this conference.
See Fisher-Price is looking for Canadian Moms to blog for them for 2012 and as 1 of the 8 current Fisher-Price #playpanel Moms I am thrilled to be sponsored to this great conference to encourage others to apply to work with Fisher-Price and Mom Central Canada (really, one of the best experiences I’ve had in my working life). (psst…click here to apply)
And for those of you that know me, Mom’s weight, eating and body image is always a background stresser for me at events like this. And it’s 3 day event. Well let’s just say…no comments about my liquid lunches please.
So if you see me at Blissdom Canada – say hi, offer hugs and tell me “HE’S OK!”.
Oh mama, I hear ya and feel your reverse separation anxiety pain. I just came back from ten days away from my kids. TEN DAYS. This is the longest I’ve ever been away from DD…by about seven days. Though I had a great time (away for work and play), it was hard. Mind you, my husband and extended family rallied and really did a great job. The kids were fed, washed and watered and happy as could be. Hmmm. Turns out they CAN survive without me. Who knew? 🙂
10 days?! Lisa that is…wow.
Maybe I’m afraid to find out that mine, too, can survive without me. Then where will I be?