I am of two minds these summer days. One mind is much enjoying “Camp Mom” (where I am full-time caring, hangin’ and activity-izing my 2 big kids and 1 small babe). It’s a good life.But that other, sneaky and stealth mind is resentful of no “me time”. I miss writing. I miss networking. I miss talking with other grown-ups.
Good Gandhi – growing humans is a rewarding and amazing experience. I wouldn’t trade it for the world (or George Clooney). And, no I wouldn’t want to go back to full-time-out-in-the-world-paid-work and put these 3 humans in daycare. I do know I have a good life – and am grateful for it. Staying home with them is a privilege.
But it’s also a job.
A big job.
An all encompassing job.
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