I remember a boy, in elementary school – a grade above me, who was bullied. Really badly bullied. Like jacket ripped bullied. Like moved to tears bullied. Like isolated from the whole school bullied. He must have gone through hell.
Parent Club recently had the opportunity to interview Shawna Ginsberg, a counselor, at Kids Help Phone to discuss bullying & kids. No one ever wants to see their kids being bullied…but if it happens perhaps this information can help.
Parent Club: What is a parent to do when they see their child bullied at school?
Shawna Ginsberg:
Things to remember…
I don’t know what happened to that boy in elementary school. As a grown up, looking back, I feel so badly for him. He must have felt so powerless. So alone. No child should have to feel that way about going to school.
KidsHelpPhone.ca is a FREE Canadian service for counselling for kids & teens with options to speak live with a counsellor, ask a question on line or read their articles. Open 24/7 and bilingual it is a great resource for kids (and Parents – you can “get-in-the-know” on their site too).
This post is NOT sponsored – we really feel that Kids Help Phone is an important service to share with the Parent Club.
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