Projectile Vomit: vomiting at the peak of maximum inspiration (Source: Medical Dictionary)
Did I ever share that Thing 2 projectile vomits? Beautiful huh?! In infancy, our house was very white-trash with sheets covering couches and chairs. All because Thing 2 would throw up litres of breastmilk and spew at a great distance.
When we had a babysitter come — we had to tell them to bring an extra t-shirt – for – surely Thing 2 would throw up on them. If Thing 2 cried too much, coughed too much the gag reflex went to work.
Last night Thing 2 coughed in the night. Then — SPLOPH! — everywhere. All along the floor. Up the wall. Over on the laundry bin. A two beach towel clean-up. A moment – where I am clearly reminded – I am the MOM – it’s me who has to clean this up. Yuck.
Friends, this isn’t the worst part. See, Thing 2 also throws up in sleep. Forget sleepwalking (well, they both do that too). But sleepvomitting is the worst! Waking up to see your child crusted – is – the most disgusting sight to be seen. Not to mention the fear of choking. I’ve become a very light sleeper over the years – let me tell you.
Projectile vomiting is defined as throwing up at the peak of inspiration. Darn it all – it just throws a big friggin’ wet blanket on my inspiration.
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