Hosting, yet another, birthday party this weekend. Since it is an 8 year old party — I’m trying to keep it kid-centred (with parental intervention for fires and fights).
Here is the general plan…8 kids to celebrate 8 years old (ok – really 9 kids bc Thing 2 doesn’t get counted in the birthday invitation equation). I have employed two – count them two – helpers for the day (13 years old and 11 years old respectively – young enough to be “cool” for the 8 year olds but old enough to be responsible help for the Mom).
In the three hours of the birthday party – we shall;
Wondering about the invisible frosting? Well, we just aren’t big on frosting here so a few years ago I invented “invisible frosting”. In a (washed and empty) applesauce container I put a tsp of icing sugar and add a bit of water to make “invisible frosting”. With our “invisible frosting paint brushes” (dollar store paint brushes which are kept on the baking shelf and not the art area) we “paint” the invisible frosting on to the naked cupcakes. The perfect edible glue for “fairy dust” (coloured sugar) or sprinkles.
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