Ice storms. Polar Vortex. Snow Days. -40C weather. This seems to be the winter of extreme weather. Having just gone through the Toronto ice storm (we lost power – including heat – for 32 hours…lucky compared to those who were without power for days!)…I am sharing the 10 Emergency Items we found essential for survival…
The Baby’s Room
With every one of my babies, I did a bit of newborn nesting. First time pregnant I bought a new crib. Second time, new baby sheets. Third time, a new sleep sack. Nesting is a good thing. There is so much unknown when it comes to kids…getting the baby’s room ready is one tangible way to prepare…
Packing List Family Cruise Vacation
This is a FREE printable of a packing list for a family vacation. This handy packing checklist for parents, kids and baby which includes: what to pack in a carry on, activity bag, wardrobe checklist, baby essentials to bring, gadgets, and chargers. This will make planning and packing for your next family vacation easier! Click here…
Diaper Back Checklist
New parent? Experienced parent? How do you pack a diaper bag? Basic baby essentials are the foundations for any diaper bag packing – whether just planning an afternoon out with baby, a day trip in the city or a family vacation. As a Mom to three kids, I have packed many a diaper bag…these are…
Travel Healthy: Tips for TakingYour Family’s Healthy Lifestyle With You on Holidays
by Deb Lowther Summer holidays are approaching and whether you are planning a week at the cottage or a plane ride to an exotic countryside, you will want to stay healthy while away! Vacations can be a nice break from your regular routine and provide opportunity to try new things, but keeping a few essentials in mind will…
How To Organize Kid Gear
Read on for a time-saving (and sanity saving!) tip to organize your summer kid gear – sunglasses and sun hats! The summer “drop and run” season is upon us when kids drop their stuff – kinda everywhere – and run on to the next activity (usually a snack or a bathroom rush if we are dropping in from an outside…
Homework Help
Homework can be tough – on kids and parents. When dd1 was in Gr. 2 I remember spending 2 hours a night supervising homework. 2 hours! Finally, at parent/teacher interviews I casually, but purposely, mentioned how long it was taking to finish homework and the teacher was shocked. It shouldn’t take that long – maybe…
Parent Club Mom-Made Gift Guide
THE WHAT: Parent Club Mom-Made Gift Guide THE WHY: Supporting parents who are making it work by working at home. Supporting local economy. Not trekking to a store to do your gift shopping with a baby (ok – that’s me). THE HOW: Leave a comment and link up your mom-made biz below! THE PARENT CLUB…
5 things to take to a blogging conference
Just back from the She’s Connected Conference and shortly off to Blissdom Canada I have a few suggestions of what to take to a blogging conference. 5 to be exact. Your device. Whether it be a phone, tablet, notepad (the electronic kind) or tablet – you’re device is your connection to the conference…and the conference peeps…and the greater world who…
Tip for those bottles
Re-purpose strawberry baskets to hold baby bottle parts in your dishwasher. Environmentally friendly and making life easier!
Parent Club’s New Look
Whoa?! you say? Am I in the right place? you ask? Parent Club is all different yet so the same. The Trouble With Change is that is changes everything. Parent Club needed a change…and so with the help of Nap Warden (great designer!)…we’re changing and growing and making Parent Club all different yet so the…
Back to School Tips
I, for one, am fairly excited it’s back to school season. It’s been a great summer. It’s been fun. But it’s time to move on (seriously…let’s move on). And I have been busy writing back to school themed articles… These were for the good folks at Building Homework Habits Tips on How to Organize…