Read my new HGTV Canada article ” 8 Haunted House Ideas” for some inspiration for you and your kids to decorate your home for Halloween (teaser: it incorporates and re-purposes things you already have hanging around the house). How to make milk jug ghosts Not your usual jack-o-lantern Glow-in-the-dark footprints. And MORE! Click on the…
Halloween Activities
Halloween activities…bah humbug. Apparently, some people LIKE Halloween crafts (me not so much)… I also don’t make costumes from scratch (except for that year Thing 1 went as “mommy in the morning” – wearing a housecoat, slippers, a pony tail, glasses {lens popped out} and carried a Tim Horton’s medium coffee cup). Now, I also…
Halloween at Parent Club
Good Ghandi – could someone please congratulate me on the Halloween Decorations for Parent Club?…or my house?…anyone?… Halloween is a parental slippery-slope. Kids love Halloween but some of those Halloween decorations are down right creepy. Walking through the ‘hood – I am taking mental notes on where NOT to trick or treat this year. Like…
Halloween is a-comin’
Today is officially – ‘decorate the house for Halloween day’ – after many a Babes, Birthdays and Blessings this past weekend. Surf over to Parent Club often to get Halloween activities, costume ideas and exploration of “scary” things for kids (have a good one about tv shows). Have a Halloween tip, story or idea to…