These Free Printing Practice Sheets might come in handy for handwriting practice. Print. Pin. Save. These free printing practice worksheets are super handy. Plus read on below for a tip on how to make reusable printing practice sheets!
This isn’t going to be one of those posts where you have to scroll to the bottom to get the practice sheets…*drumroll*…here they are…
Free Printing Practice Sheets

Click to download
Click the Download button above (absolutely safe – I promise). It will take you to a pdf which you can download to your computer and then print at home. It includes three pages (complete alphabet in upper and lower case, colour names and sports words, and “the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy old dog” sentences.
Trivia: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy old dog is a panagram. A panagram is a sentence which every letter of the alphabet. Things I remember from grade 9 typing class!
Printing Practice Inspiration
One of the most popular posts on Parent Club is the FREE DOTTED LETTER FONT FOR TRACING post. And it’s consistently popular — which tells me readers are interested in printing posts!

More Resources:
Follow Parent Club on Pinterest for more parent hacks.
Make a Reusable Printing Practice Activity
- Print out printing sheet
- Put in large ziplock bag
- Use dry erase markers trace the letters on the ziplock bag
- Wipe off with towel to reuse another day
I always found it valuable to play music in the background when my kids do printing practice. It makes it less monotonous. And music can help them with the flow and strokes of letter writing.
You can also use different colour pencils, pens, dry erase markers as tools to differentiate letters. It might also make it more visually inspiring for the kids.

Thanks these sheets will be perfect for my grandson !