Are you thinking PD Day Activities? For working parents PD Days are a bit of a crunch because child care (the paid or unpaid kind) needs to be sourced out. Here are a few PD Day Activities which will occupy the kids.

PD Day Activity Ideas
- Grocery shopping for lunch (not your whole week’s grocery shopping – just for lunch – give kids a list [give pre-readers pictures] of what to buy for lunch. It can be a fun activity of giving your kids the opportunity to find and seek healthy foods.
- Indoor play place
- Movie date
- Play date (arrange with a friend — morning at your house and afternoon at theirs so you can swap kids and each work a bit)
- Skating (public skating rinks = FREE)
- Indoor Swimming pool
- Visit the public library (look for Stop Reading This Book 🙂 and if you find it snap a picture and send it to me!)
- Trampoline place
- Rock climbing
- Arts n’ crafts
Other ideas

SHARE: What do you and your kids do on P.D. Days?…
Aside: I grew up knowing school days off as PD Days (Professional Development days). I’ve also heard of them as P.A. Days. What do you call a scheduled school day off?…
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