Sharing some of the Best Places to Get Gently-Used Kid Gear, Toys, and Clothes because it’s a shame to let good things go to waste. Whether you are buying or selling these best places to get gently-used kid gear, toys and clothes are accessible and good for the whole community. You re-purpose kid things (thus they don’t needlessly go to landfill), you get a discounted price on something you need/make a bit of dough on something you’ve already bought and used, and you make someone else’s life easier by providing something they need for their child. Read on for more…
Best Places to Get Gently-Used Kid Gear, Toys, and Clothes
PARENT CLUB TIP: before you try to sell — wash your items and ensure there are no rips, stains, or breaks in the item. Before you buy — do your research into make/model and store price of the item.
Facebook Groups
Yes! Did you know their are Facebook groups in your city/community for buying and selling gently-used kid stuff?! It’s awesome! Simply log into Facebook and search “your neighbourhood name” and buy/sell/swap. A flurry of choices will appear before your eyes. Groups might be public or private. Once you are in a group – read the admin’s post on rules (normally you can only buy and sell within a specific geographical range, you have to price your items in your post, you can’t post business promotions).
Once you are in a Facebook buy/sell group — you can lurk the posts for things you might need for your child. Remember, most people clean their homes on the weekends so Friday and Saturday are hot days for new items.
You can also put up “ISO” for In Search Of…if you are looking for something specific.
If you are selling an item (or items) – take and post pictures, put in descriptions and brands and sizes, and a general intersection of where items can be picked up. Oh and price! Name your price (but don’t be offended if people direct message you asking if you’d take a lower price. Bartering is possible).
Consignment stores
A brick and mortar consignment store is a go-to destination to find gently-used kid gear. From clothing to strollers to sand tables…you can pretty much find everything kid at a consignment store. Prices will be firm for things that are sold.
If you are selling to a consignment store – they may give you money when they accept it (a percentage of what they would sell it for). Or they will pay you when it is sold. Call a consignment store first to find out what they are accepting and the details of their payment policies.
Garage sales
’tis the season where people put their kid stuff on their lawn and hope you come buy to buy it! Saturday mornings are the best time for garage sales.
Church groups/mom groups
Look to your neighbourhood church groups and mom groups to see if they do an annual (or semi-annual) kid gear swap and sale.
A friend once told me about an association of twins and triplets sale and people were LINED UP AROUND THE BLOCK in the early hours of the morning to get into this sale. Strollers, high chairs, clothes, shoes, toys, books, blankets, etc. It was a palooza of gently-used kid gear on sale!
Note: it is widely known that you should NOT buy used car seats for safety reasons.
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