These 4 Tips To Help Get Kids To Clean Up might come in handy for Spring cleaning. Or anytime cleaning really. I know…coaching, begging, motivating, warning kids to clean up can be exhausting. Let’s turn these 4 Tips To Help Get Kids To Clean Up into action to make life easier…
4 Tips To Help Get Kids To Clean Up
- Clean Up Routine. Certain clean up jobs (like putting backpack in a certain spot, clearing dishes from the table each night, putting dirty clothes in laundry basket when changing into pjs) require a routine. Make it clear in communication…everybody has to do their clean up jobs everyday (even Mom and Dad). When it’s routine…it becomes a automatic thing.
- Clean Up Containment Area. If I were to say to my kids “we are cleaning today” they would complain. So, I choose a specific area where their clean-up skills are required…and clean-up is only contained to that area. So for my elementary school son: “please clean up the coffee table”. To my teenager 1: “please clean the bathroom (and yes, toilet, shower, and sink thank you very much”. To my teenager 2: “please put your laundry in the washing machine and set it to run”. It’s not super overwhelming. Their jobs are contained to one specific area. No crossing of paths with other siblings (which means no fighting). Keep it focused…it makes it goal achievable!
- Music Please. Everything is better with music. Even cleaning. Let the kids choose the playlist and blast it. Sing. Dance. Shuffle. Clean. It becomes a positive family-time experience (and you clean your house!).
- Is it Bribery? If you say “once we’re done we’ll go to the park?” do we consider this a bribe? OR is this a true statement? The idea of going to the park might help the cleaning happen. The concept of a reward after a task might help the kids get down to cleaning. And going to the park is a completely true, and attainable, destination once the cleaning is done.
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