This Hot Holiday Toys Round-Up + Giveaway might give you some gift giving inspiration for the boys and girls on your list. Or family game night. Or vacation, screen-free, boredom buster! All of these games offer opportunities for players to enjoy hands-on fun. Read on for what made the list for the Parent Club Hot Holiday Toys Round-Up…
Note: the following giveaway is open to residents of Canada, excluding Quebec.
MGA Entertainment
Social Star: players must climb the social ladder and gather ’Likes’ in order to gain fame. For: 3-8 players
Includes: 100 challenge cards, 100 like cards, 50 dare cards. Age Recommendation: 13+.
Ready2Robot Battle Pack: build, mix and match custom ‘bots, and battle your friends in a robot-brawl. Includes: 2 Mechbots, 2 Pilots and weapons to build battles. Age Recommendation: 5+.
Air Chargers Twisted Turn Crashway: The easy to use pump launcher allows kids to quickly charge up their race car and go! Launcher allows you to be in control of the speed, distance and crashing! Customize the distance and height of your barricade. Age Recommendations: 5+.
Crate Creatures Assortment: Crate Creatures are fun interactive pets that you unleash from their cage to
find out which special features they have. Break into the crate to unleash your new beast friend. All you need to do is use the crowbar to pop the lock. Pull their tongue for monstrosly fun and gross noises and watch as the creature
vibrates and it’s eyes start glowing. 45 sounds. Age Recommendation: 4+
Retail Availability: Toys “R” Us, Walmart and Indigo
Mattel Games
Gas Out: Players take turns playing Gas Out Number cards in their hand and pressing Guster as many times as
shown. Be the last player to keep Guster the Gas Cloud from farting during your turn, and you win! Age Recommendation: 5+.
Squawk: Roll the dice and then press on the chicken’s chest the number of times shown on the dice. You’ll hear a funny “SQUAWK” – if she doesn’t lay an egg, then it is the next player’sturn, but if the hen house opens, she’ll lay an egg that you get to crack open. Press your luck as you try to collect the most baby chicks. Age Recommendation: 5+.
Retail Availability: Canadian Tire, Toys “R” Us, Amazon
Kerplunk: (I remember playing this game as a kid!) The object of the game is to skillfully remove the sticks from the tube while dropping the fewest marbles possible. You and your friends will have a blast playing Kerplunk, just don’t let the marbles fall! Age recommendation: 5+.
Retail Availability: Canadian Tire, Real Canadian Superstore, Toys “R” Us, Walmart, Amazon
Robotic Soccer: Designed to mimic real-life soccer, this toy’s play pattern taps into the love for soccer and pairs it with the education fun of robotics. Pick a player, customize it with decals and send it on to the field to kick balls into goals. Age recommendation: 8+.
Toys and games are a great gift idea for Secret Santa too. My friends and I are planning a Secret Santa night right now. The rules are: bring an non-gendered, wrapped gift (and all of these games fall into both those categories). And yes, I have my gift giving inspiration done from this post!
Disclosure: #giftedproduct. All opinions are my own.
Enter for a chance to win a prize pack of toys!
I would love to gift Kerplunk to my kids, I think they would love it!
I would like to gift Robotic Soccer!
I would like to gift the Robotic Soccer to my son! TY!
I would love to give my son a crate creature. Kerplunk would make for a great family gift.
I’d love to play kerplunk with my son!
Kerplunk to the womens shelter
I’d gift Kerplunk!
I would gift the crate creature
I would like to gift Sqwak to my daughter it looks funny
I’d gift Kerplunk to my grandson.
I would like to gift crate creature my granddaughter has been asking for one since she seen them at Walmart!
I think my nieces would love the new Kerplunk
Crate Creatures would be so popular with my granddaughter!
I would like to gift Robotic Soccer!
I have my eyes on the Ring Racer set. I’d love to gift it, but also to play with it 🙂
I’d like to gift the Robotic Soccer
My son would love Robotic Soccer
I’d love to give my grandkids the Kerplunk Game! I loved it when I was a kid!
The crate creatures!! i know my daughters would love that
My grandson would love the Crate Creatures, and all my grandchildren would love the Robotic Soccer, plus the 2 games Squawk and Gas Out look like a lot of fun with lots of laughs!
Kerplunk! I remember playing it as a kid so I would love to share the fun.
Kerplunk ? my favorite childhood game ???
Robotic Soccer would make a great gift
Kerplunk Game sounds like the perfect game for family game nite …. good luck everyone
I would like to gift the Ready2Robot Battle Pack.
I would love to gift the Robotic Soccer to my grandson.
My son has been asking for a crate creature for Christmas this year.
I would love to gift the robotic soccer to my nephew.
The Robotic Soccer would make a nice gift.
kerplunk would be nice for my nephew
The Crate creatures look soooo fun!! Id love to win one for my son
The crAte creature. My son has already been looking at them.
I would love to give Robotic Soccer as a gift to my son!
Social Star sounds interesting especially when social media rules everyone’s life today
I’d love to win the Robotic Soccer for my niece!
The Robotic Soccer would be something they would all like to have!
i like the Ready2Robot Battle Pack
The Robotic Soccer,my grandson would love this !
Robotic Soccer would make a great gift
Social Star sounds like a fun game for my granddaughter.
My daughter would love to be gifted Kerplunk
That robotic soccer looks so cool!
I’d gift Crate Creatures to my grandson.
I would love to gift kerplunk to my kids. It would be a perfect Christmas Eve family gift!
I would like to get the Kerplunk game to play with my grandkids.
the crate creature looks interesting
I’d love to gift kerplunk to my niece.
I would love to give my nephew you the Rink racer stunt set 🙂 Sounds pretty cool
I know the boys in the family would love Crate Creatures. They are so um non girlie that I’m sure the boys will get a kick out of them 🙂
I’d love to gift Robotic Soccer to my nephews
I would love the Robotic Soccer game to give to my nephew! Happy Holidays!
I would love to gift Kerplunk to my nephew.
I think my granddaughter would really like Squawk.
My grandsons would love the robotic soccer!
I’d love to play kerplunk with my family
My grandsons would love the Ready2Robot Battle Pack.
I would love to gift kerplunk to my little nephew…he is just starting to get into playing games and I think we would all have a blast playing kerplunk together
I’d like to gift Ready2Robot Battle Pack, looks fun!
Squak seems like it would be lots of fun!
Keplunk for sure!!!
I know a couple of boys that would like the Ready2Robot Battle Pack
I’d like to gift the Robotic Soccer to a grandson
Robotic Soccer is something my grandson would love to play with
I would gift robotic soccer to my grandson.
I would love to gift Kerplunk to my grandkids!
I would love to win Robotic Soccer!
My niece would really like Squawk.
I would love to gift Kerplunk to my kids
I would like to gift the Ready2Robot Battle Pack to my grandson.
I like the Robotic Soccer game for my family.
The Robotic Soccer looks great for my grandson!
Oh the crate creature!! SO fun and silly !
the robotic soccer would be the idea gift for my cousin
My girl would love the game Squawk!
I’d like to gift Squawk to my little one
I think Air Chargers Twisted Turn Crashway would make a great gift
I know the grandsons love the .. Crate Creatures Assortment
I’m sure my grandchildren will get lots of laughs with the game Squawk
I would like to gift Squawk to my nieces.
I would gift Social Star.
I would like to gift Robotic Soccer !
I would like to gift the Robotic Soccer
I’d like to win togive to my friends son
Kerplunk looks like fun to give to a family member.
Ready2Robot Battle Pack: I like that it uses their skill to put it together and then their imagination to pay with. I know two boys (brothers) that would love this.
I would love to gift Robotic Soccer to my nephew.
I would like to gift the Air Chargers Twisted Turn Crashway to my grandson.
id gift Squawk: to my son he would love that
Squawk lo!okes like our grandkids would be all over it
I would love to gift the Crate Creatures to my nephews.
The Hexbug Soccer please.
The Crate Creatures are pretty cute. I think my kids would enjoy them. Thanks!
the robotic soccer is one i would like to gift
I would love to gift Kerplunk to my daughter. she’s really into family games right now!
I would like to gift Kerplunk
Ready2Robot Battle Pack looks like it would be fun and my grandson would love it!
Air Chargers Twisted Turn Crashway sounds interesting
I’d gift Kerplunk. I used to love playing it!
I would give the Robotic Soccer!
I would love to give my grandson a crate creature
I’d like to gift Ready2Robot Battle Pack.
Kerplunk is also a very fun game
I would like to gift the Robotic Soccer to my grandson.
The HEXBUG robotic soccer would be a hit with my nephews.
I think Squawk would be fun to give as a present.
I would love to gift the Ready2Robot Battle Pack
I’d gift kerplunk
I would like to gift the Robotic Soccer game to my grandson
i would like to give kerplunk
The Crate Creatures look like lots of fun
I would like to gift Robotic Soccer to my grandson.
OMG we used to have so much fun playing kerplunk!! asw well this looks good Air Chargers Twisted Turn Crashway
I would like to gift the Robotic Soccer
I would gift Robotic Soccer to my nephew!
Crate Creatures look like a lot of fun and something my grandson would love to have!
I would gift Air Chargers Twisted Turn Crashway to my grandson.
The Robotic Soccer game would be fun for our family.
the kerplunk game would be fun to have
My kids and nephews and niece would love facing off in a game of robotic soccer! I’d love to give it to my nephew for Christmas
I would like to gift the Robotic Soccer to my grandson!
The Crate Creatures Assortment: would be a great gift
love to play kerplunk with my kiddos at work
The Crate Creatures would be a hit in my house!
I would like to gift Kerplunk to my grandson.
I would like to gift Kerplunk to my granddaughter.
I would like to gift Squawk this year!
Ready2Robot Battle Pack sounds fun and something my grandchildren would love to have!
Gas Out sounds interesting
I would like to gift Robotic Soccer to my grandkids!
I would gift Gas Out.
I would choose the Robotic Soccer!
the kids would love the crate creatures
Would love to gift Kerplunk, I think it is a fun game that my nephew would enjoy!
I would like to gift Kerplunk to my grandson, it’s a fun family game.
would love to gift the Robotic Soccer to a grandson
I would like to gift the Squawk to my granddaughter.
Robotic soccer would be my gift of choice to give
I would like to gift HEXBUG toy
I would love to gift the Air Chargers Twisted Turn Crashway.
I would gift the crate creature to my son.
he crate creature for sure
The Squawk would make a great gift
the robotic soccer would be nice
I would like to gift robotic soccer to my niece!
the kids would love the robotic soccer game
I would gift Squawk to my grandson.
I’d love to gift my daughter the robotic soccer, it looks like so much fun!
ring racer stunt set looks pretty awesome! Thank you so super much for the giveaway
Squawk would be fun to give to my family.
I would love to win the robotic soccer for my nephew!
I’ve been debating gifting a creature crate to my nephew this year.
Every generation should experience Ker Plunk. It is just a great traditional game!
I think my nephew would love the Robotic Soccer
The kerplunk is a fun game, would love to gift it to my grandkids!
My boys would love the Robotic Soccer.
i would love to gift the crate creatures!!
I would like to gift Social Star game
I would like to gift the Social Star to my granddaughter.
I would love to gift Squawk to my kids, they would find it hilarious to play.
I can remember loving Kerplunk when I was a kid
My son would love Kerplunk!
I would like to gift Gas Out or Squawk to my grandchildren
I would like to gift the Robotic Soccer to my grandson,he would be excited to find that toy under the Tree!
the robotic soccer would be fun for the kids
kerplunk would be nice for my son
The kids would enjoy Robotic Soccer
I think Kerplunk would be fun to give to my family.
My cousin would love the Robotic Soccer!
Kerplunk….for sure!
The Air Chargers Twisted Turn Crashway
crate creature my son would love
I would like to gift the Robotic Soccer
I would like to gift Gas Out.
I would like to gift Robotic Soccer!
Robotic Soccer looks like lots of fun
Squawk is a game I would like to gift to my grandchildren
I would love to gift Kerplunk to my grandkids they would have a blast with this game
the kerplunk would be a great gift for the kids
I would gift Social Star as a Secret Santa gift in a program we have here.
I love Kerplunk!
I think my granddaughter would like Ready2Robot Battle Pack.
Would love to gift kerplunk to my nephew
I would like to gift the Air Chargers Twisted Turn Crashway:
I would love to gift the The crate creatures
Crate Creatures Assortment
Hexbug – the soccer field looks like a fun place to play with two Hexbugs. Great for my two young godchildren
I would like to gift the robotic soccer.
The crate creature is totally on my sons wishlist!
Air Chargers Twisted Turn Crashway looks like fun
the robotic soccer game would make a great gift
Kerplunk would make a great family gift,thanks !
I have a friend I’d love to give the chicken too – well, to her young son I mean lol
I believe Kerplunk would be so fun to play.
I would really love to give my family the Ker Plunk game!
my grandkids would love the Robotic Soccer
The crate creatures!! My nephew would just love them
I would like to gift the Kerplunk game
I would like to gift the Crate Creatures Assortment.
Air Chargers Twisted Turn Crashway: for dylan
Kerplunk would be a lot of fun!
Still the Hexbug Soccer!
i would gift to my besties little one
Ring Racer Stunt Set would be fun
I would love to gift the Crate Creatures to my grandson!
I would gift the crate creature to my daughter, she said she thinks they are really neat!
I would love to give my grandson a crate creature I think he would enjoy !
I would gift Crate Creatures which I think the kids would love.
I would love the kerplunk for the whole family for our game night playtime.
Kerplunk would make a great gift to give my nephew.
I would gift the crate creature
I would love to gift crate creature
The Ready2Robot Battle Pack looks awesome! I think my grandchildren would love that toy.
Id love to gift gas out to my nephew ! he would think its so funny!!!
I would gift the Gas Out.
love the kerplunk game. Would gift to a grandson
Kids would love the Ready2Robot Battle Pack
I think the Hexbug soccer would be a lot of fun!
The Squawk game sound like would be great fun for game night! the grandkids would love it!
Kerplunk would make a great gift for us we love to play games
I’d gift Kerplunk which everyone would love.
I would give the kerplunk, its a fun game
I would like to gift the Kerplunk to my niece and nephew
I think my nephew would also love the Robotic Soccer
i would love to gift the robotic soccer
I would LOVE to win Kerplunk to gift! My granddaughter and I play board games pretty much every time we get together and I know this is not a game she’s played before.
Kerplunk is a fun toy to have for the little ones when they visit.
I’d love to win the hexbug robotic soccer to gift to my nephew
I loved Ker Plunk when I was a kid and I’d love to introduce it to my grandkidlets!
Social Star sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks!
the crate creature looks interesting for sure
I would like to gift the Crate Creatures Assortment
Robotic Soccer looks like a fun game to gift to my grandson!!
I’d love to play kerplunk with my grandkids,it would be so much fun !!
I would gift Air Chargers Twisted Turn Crashway
the robotic soccer would make a great gift for kids
I would love the Kerplunk for the entire family to add to our game night.
I would love to give Kerplunk to my grandbabies! We’d have a blast
The Crate Creatures look like lots of fun
robotic soccer
I would like to gift the Robotic Soccer:
I would most like to win the crate creature for my son!
My boys would like the Crate Creature,
Squawk looks like a fun game
Love the crate creatures!
I would like to gift the crate creature to my granddaughter
I’d gift Robotic soccer to my family.
I think the kids would enjoy the kerplunk game
I would gift the Gas Out.
Squawk looks like a fun game! I think my daughter would love it.
Ker Plunk is a hoot and I know my grandkids would love it!
Crate Creatures would be a great gift to give
I would like to gift the Kerplunk game to my two boys.
Kerplunk Game! flashback to when i played it as a kid! Think the grandkids would like it!
I would gift Kerplunk.
It would be fun to gift Kerplunk to my granddaughter
I would gift Kerplunk to my grandchildren.
I’d gift Kerplunk to the grandkids!
all great items but I would gift the robotic soccer
I would love to give Squawk to my nephew’s daughter. She would LOVE it!!
I’d gift Kerplunk to my cousins sons
I would like to gift Robotic Soccer to my niece and nephew, they’d love it!