These Eco Activities For Kids encourage kids to be thoughtful about water, energy, and their environment. All of these 8 eco activities are FREE and can be done all year round at home or in a classroom. Perfect Earth Day activities, Earth Hour activities, eco club activities, and everyday family activities.
Eco Activities For Kids
Turn off faucet when brushing your teeth. Don’t waste water if you aren’t using it. Turn off the water, hum your ABCs while you brush, then turn the water on to rinse.
Plant a seed in a cup. You will need: seeds, dirt, cup. Place seeds by a window and water (not too much) every few days. Kids have such pride in a plant they’ve grown from a seed.
Play outside rather than watch a screen. First, play is fun. Second, you don’t need to use batteries or electricity when you play outside. Saves energy!
Recycle. (also add compost to this category). Encourage kids to put recyclables in recycling boxes. Re-purpose paper for crafts. Use old jars for the plant a seed activity above.
Share a book. It’s another way to recycle! Hand-me-down books that your kids are too old to younger friends. Or start a little free library in your neighbourhood.
Turn off lights when not in use. It’s an easy way to teach mindfulness and responsibility. Let the kids be the light police: Who didn’t turn off the light?
Use both sides of the paper. Easy but often overlooked.
Pick up garbage. So often we tell kids “don’t touch – it’s garbage” when we are outside. But then we tell them to “pick that up” inside the house. Time to marry the two and encourage kids it’s everybody’s job to keep outside clean. Gather some friends together. Get the garbage bags out. Put on some gloves (if you don’t have gloves…just wash your hands afterwards). Then, go to your local playground and pick up the trash.
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We planted seeds in small pots on our balcony. We take pictures every day or every other day and watch them change!