This Author Hashtags | Hashtags for Authors Cheat Sheet is inspired by a magazine article I just wrote on using social media on a deeper level for writers and authors. If you are a writer (aspiring, emerging, or even experienced)…it’s handy to follow hashtags to connect with other authors and follow industry news.
Use these Writer hashtags on Twitter, Instagram, and dare I even say…Facebook. 🙂
Even as I saved this info-graphic on Author Hashtags | Hashtags for Authors Cheat Sheet – I realized I have even more to add. Â Scroll down for full list…
Author Hashtags | Hashtags for Authors Cheat Sheet
RELATED: BREAKING IN TO CHILDREN’S PUBLISHING – TIPS AND RESOURCES (from my panel at CANSCAIP’s Packaging Your Imagination Conference…seriously, good resources in that post…don’t miss it!).
- #AmWriting
- #AmEditing
- #5amWritersClub
- #WritersClub
- #KidCrit
- #AmRevising
- #1K1H (one thousand words in one hour)
- #NaNoWriMo (November National Novel Writing Month)
- #ScriptChat
- #WIP (work in progress)
- #WritersLife
- #AuthorChat
- #WriteChat
- #WriteGoal
- #Writing
- #WriteMotivation
- #WritersBlock
- #AuthorRT
- #FF (follow Friday your fav authors)
- #BookMarket
- #MemoirChat
- #CANSCAIP (Cdn Children’s authors and illustrators)
- #PYI (Packaging Your Imagination)
- AskAgent
- #AskAuthor
- #AskEditor
- #GetPublished
- #KidLitChat
- #KidsLit
- #LitChat
- #MGLit
- #CanLit
- #SciFiChat
- #Publishing
- #WriteTip
- #WritingTip
- #YA
- #YALit
- #PitMad (Twitter pitch party)
- #SffPit (Sci Fi Twitter pitch party)
- #NonFiction
- #140Poem
- #Books
- #BookWorm
- #GreatReads
- #GoodReads
- #MustRead
- #Novel
- #PaperBacks
- #WhatToRead
- #RaiseAReader
- #Bookshelf
- #WhatImReading
- #BookLover
- #ReadTheNorth
- #ReadEverything
- #Writer
- #pwac (professional writers of Canada)
#HaikuChallenge- #WritingTips
Also, if you are interested in Children’s publishing (and Canadian children’s publishing specifically) then I suggest you give my list of Canadian Children’s Book Publishers a read (it’s bookmark worthy).
And that article on using social media on a deeper level for writer’s and authors?…I’ll let you know where and when it’s published. But for a bit of vaguebooking…it includes how-tos on doing a Twitter party book launch, Facebook Live Q & A for authors, Youtube book trailers and free tools writers can use to track stats on their social media platforms.
Age Group Hashtags
#PB = Picture Book
#C = Children’s
#CL = Children’s Literature
#MG = Middle Grade
#YA = Young Adult
#NA = New Adult
#A = Adult
Genres Hashtags:
#CON = Contemporary
#E = Erotica
#ER = Erotic Romance
#ES = Erotica Suspense
#GN = Graphic Novel
#H = Horror
#HR = Humour
#HF = Historical Fiction
#HR = Historical Romance
#MR = Magical Realism
#M = Mystery
#Mem = Memoir
#LGBT = Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual & Transexual
#LF = Literary Fiction
#NF = Non-fiction
#P = Poetry
#R = Romance
#PNR = Paranormal Romance
#RS = Romantic Suspense
#SF – Short Fiction
#SFF = SciFi/Fantasy
#S = Suspense
#T = Thriller
#W = Westerns
#WF = Woman’s Fiction
I use #youngCanLit for CanLit for children.
good addition!
Great tips for writers
That’s a new vocabulary for twitter speak, thanks for listing these helpful ones for authors~
These are great tips thanks for sharing !